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About the university

Films of H-BRS

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What does Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences stand for? What motivates students and staff to study and conduct research here? A small selection of films from H-BRS is intended to provide an insight into everyday life at this research-strong, practice-orientated and sustainable university in the Rhineland.

The H-BRS in profile

H-BRS im Profil - Still
Die H-BRS im Profil

Departments and degree programmes

Der Studiengang Betriebswirtschaft (H-BRS)

Business Management (BSc)

The Department of Management Sciences offers the degree programme in Business Management (BSc) at both the Sankt Augustin campus and the Rheinbach campus. Both programmes provide scientifically based knowledge of business management and economics concepts, methods and tools, as well as basic knowledge of the law and business information systems. Particular emphasis is placed on the teaching of key qualifications.

Der Studiengang Nachhaltige Sozialpolitik (H-BRS)

Sustainable Social Policy (BA)

The bachelor’s degree programme in Sustainable Social Policy (BA) tackles the entire range of social policy issues in the Federal Republic of Germany. Poverty and wealth, education opportunities, social injustice, social system, pensions, health insurance, participation in decision-making, elections and intergenerational contracts are subjects covered by the curriculum on the basis of the latest scientific findings.

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Image-Video zum Studiengang Biomedical Sciences (2023)

Biomedical Sciences (MSc)

This Master‘s programme offers a broad scope of in-depth insights in the biomedical field. In particular, the programme covers research topics from biomedicine, pharmacology, human genetics, neurobiology, immunology and physiology. Furthermore, applied topics such as toxicology, drug development, clinical research and regulatory affairs are also part of the curriculum. This degree programme is taught in the English language.

Teaserbild_Video_Studiengang Nachhaltige Chemie und Materialien

Sustainable Chemistry and Materials (BSc)

In the bachelor's degree programme Sustainable Chemistry and Materials (BSc) students learn how innovative processes and new materials are created for a resource-saving future. Sustainability is complex and depends on many factors. Chemistry and materials science are key to a sustainable approach to nature.


Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science is defined by a young and modern character. The technical equipment, the individual support of the students, the good IT infrastructure and the excellent general study situation offer an optimal basis for successful studies. Research and teaching are closely linked in all courses.


Posterbild Video Institut für funktionale Gen-Analytik
The Institute for Functional Gene Analytics (IFGA)

Institute for Functional Gene Analytics

The film presents the Institute for Functional Gene Analytics at H-BRS, in particular microbiome research, ion channels, genetic changes in congenital metabolic diseases and the processing of data by bioinformatics.

Das Insitute of Visual Computing im Videoportrait

Institute of Visual Computing

Visual computing includes virtual, augmented and mixed reality as well as computer graphics and computer vision. The technologies open up new perspectives for industry and research in terms of analysis, interaction, decision-making and production.


Institute for Detection Technologies

The development and evaluation of chemical sensors and detection methods for the identification and localisation of hazardous and explosive substances and invasive species is a central field of work of the Institute of Detection Technologies (IDT) in the context of defence against threats to humans and the environment.

Forschung am Institut für Technik, Ressourcenschonung und Energieeffizienz

Institute for Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering

The Institute of Institute for Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE) conducts research on topics that promote the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. TREE offers a platform for the development of new technologies, taking sustainability criteria into account.


Vorschaubild zum Imagevideo des IZNE

The International Centre for Sustainable Development

The International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE) is a research and consultancy institute with the aim of integrating and promoting the guiding principle of sustainable development in education, research and science transfer.


General films of the university

H-BRS Hochschulguide (2021)

The university guide with Lisa Bröckmann

Student Lisa Bröckmann presents all the important contact points at H-BRS to new students.


Nachhaltigkeit - Nicht nur ein Wort (2022)

Sustainability - not just a word

Sustainability is not just a word for Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. In June 2022, the Executive Board adopted a sustainability strategy that specifies concrete measures. These include, for example, a CO2-free campus, various sustainability degree programmes and research into the expansion of renewable energies.


Meine Hochschule ist... (2020)

My university is...

University members say what makes H-BRS special for them.


Sie haben noch Fragen?

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Pascal Schröder

Science, social media and web editor

Tuesday until Friday


Sankt Augustin


E 241


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9969





H 008


Von-Liebig-Str. 8

53359 Rheinbach

Esther Hummel 20170629 (DE)

Esther Hummel

Film department




H 004


Von-Liebig-Straße 8

53359, Rheinbach


+49 2241 865 9812