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Technology and Innovation Communications (MSc) - discontinued

Access requirements and application Technology and Innovation Communication (MSc)

A prerequisite for admission to the Master's degree programme in Technology and Innovation Communication is a first university degree with a minimum grade of 2.5 in journalism, technical journalism, journalism, media or communication science, public relations or marketing.

In addition to the minimum grade, at least 210 credit points according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) are required for the first professionally qualifying university degree.

Applicants with fewer than 210 credit points can have relevant practical work experience recognised in order to acquire the missing credit points. The professional activity must be at least six months after the first university degree.

German language skills

If you do not have a German-language secondary school or university degree, you must have the German language skills required for the degree programme through the telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule or the DSH 2 (German language examination for university admission (DSH)) or through the TestDaF (Test of German as a foreign language) with level TDN 4 in all four examination areas.

Application deadline

This Master's degree programme can only be started in the summer semester. The application deadline  is from 15 November - 15 March.

Documents for the application

Before you start entering data in the online application form, please check that you have all the documents you need for your application and that you need to upload them in the online application:

  • University degree certificate including transcript of records (with German or English translation for international grade reports);
  • Grade report without university degree certificate if the university degree is not yet available but will be obtained this semester;
  • the APS certificate, if you obtained your university degree in China or Vietnam;
  • proof of sufficient German language skills (telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule or TestDaF 4 x 4 or DSH 2), if you obtained your university degree abroad


Please note the application and enrolment deadlines. Applications received after the deadline or incomplete applications can no longer be considered!


Contact points

Contact to the Student Services


Campus Sankt Augustin: Grantham Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin // Rooms E039 - E040 & E044 - E048

Campus Rheinbach: Egermannstr. 1, 53359 Rheinbach // Rooms 1.304 - 1.305

Opening hours

Telephone consultation hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, Monday - Thursday: 14:00 - 15:00

Personal consultation hours by appointment only