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Diversity Thursday: Bringing light into the dark season

Thursday 28 November 2024

With ‘Diversity Thursday’, the diversity management team at H-BRS regularly focuses on diversity aspects and anti-discrimination issues on Thursdays. This time: bringing light into the dark season.
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Tips for more brightness and energy in winter

Today we would like to show you how to bring light and warmth into your everyday life. Here are eight simple tips to help you experience winter in a positive and energised way.

The topic shows how differently people deal with darkness and what individual strategies they develop to improve their well-being. Everyone reacts to light and deals with the dark season differently. Some people make themselves comfortable indoors, are active outdoors or create contrasts with bright, vibrant colours. This variety of needs, perceptions and strategies shows how enriching diversity is and how it can help us.

1. make conscious use of daylight

Take every opportunity to capture daylight. Even on grey days, the natural light outside is more intense than artificial light. Go outside - whether for a short walk, an outdoor lunch break or a walk to the supermarket. Even a short time in the fresh air can lift your mood and boost your energy levels.

2. use warm white light

The right lighting creates a cosy atmosphere. Swap cold, harsh light sources for lamps with warm white light that mimics the tone of a sunset. Supplement this with candles or fairy lights to give your rooms a cosy, warm glow. This ensures relaxation and a sense of well-being, especially in the evening.

3. plan exercise

Exercise is not only good for the body, but also for the soul. Consciously plan activity into your daily routine - indoors or outdoors. A walk in the park or yoga exercises in the living room can work wonders. Exercise promotes blood circulation, releases happiness hormones and provides new energy. At H-BRS, you are welcome to take advantage of the ‘Gesunde Hochschule' project.

4. use bright colours

Cheerful colours can significantly brighten up your rooms and improve your mood. Use cushions, blankets, curtains or pictures in warm colours to create an inviting atmosphere. Even small changes such as colourful accessories can have a big impact and make winter a little friendlier.

5. bring plants into the house

Houseplants are not only decorative, they also bring life and freshness into your living space. Green plants such as monstera or succulents improve the indoor climate, while flowering plants set accents with bright colours. Plants create a connection to nature and create a harmonious ambience.

6. cultivate morning rituals

A conscious start to the day can make a big difference. Open the curtains or blinds in the morning to let in as much daylight as possible. Light a candle, enjoy your coffee or tea in peace and take a few minutes for a mindfulness exercise.

7. consciously savour hot drinks

Take time every day to enjoy a cup of your favourite drink - be it tea, hot chocolate or a spicy chai latte. These little moments of indulgence not only create warmth from within, but also give you the opportunity to pause and enjoy a moment of peace.

8. schedule time for creativity

Creative activities such as painting, crafting, writing or baking are an active way to brighten up the dark days. They promote concentration, strengthen self-efficacy and set a different focus. Try something new or pick up old hobbies - the joy of creating will inspire you.

Sources: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Psychology Today

Try out what works best for you and enjoy the beautiful moments of winter.

These tips can help you to focus on and improve your well-being a little more.

If you're not feeling well, don't hesitate to get help: you can search for helplines here:


Do you have any questions, comments or requests? Feel free to contact us at



Diversity Management


Sankt Augustin




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