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Vice President International Affairs and Digital Transformation (VP3)

Contact points in case of discrimination at the H-BRS

Have you experienced discrimination or bullying at H-BRS or witnessed bullying / discrimination from third parties? You would like to talk about these experiences and/or would like support? Below you will find various contact points to which you can turn in confidence. They will deal with your concerns anonymously if you prefer.

The Diversity Management Team is one of your first points of contact if you experience discrimination and will be happy to advise you on other appropriate points of contact:


Contact points for staff

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Diversity Management

Illustration Gleichstellung

Equal Opportunities Officer

bild_inklusion.jpg (DE)

Representative body for severely disabled persons

Teaser Placeholder

AGG Complaints Office

Teaser Placeholder

Staff Council

Mentoring - Gleichstellung

Confidants at the university

Gespräch Büro Colourbox 1053731.jpg (DE)

Company social counselling

Key Visual International Office

International Office

Contact points for students

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Diversity Management

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Student Committees

Illustration Gleichstellung

Equal Opportunities Officer

asb allgemeine studienberatung sta 20220524 foto eric lichtenscheidt 04 fs22.jpg

General study guidance

bild_inklusion.jpg (DE)

Representative body for severely disabled persons

Mentoring - Gleichstellung

Confidants at the university

Studentin in Bibliothek. Foto: Volker Lannert/H-BRS

Psychological Counselling Centre of the Bonn Student Union

Key Visual International Office

International Office

Contact points for professors and lecturers

diversitaet_diversity_inklusion_sta_20220321_foto_eric_lichtenscheidt_15_fs22.jpg (DE)

Diversity Management

bild_inklusion.jpg (DE)

Representative body for severely disabled persons

Mentoring - Gleichstellung

Confidants at the university

Illustration Gleichstellung

Equal Opportunity Commissioner