Vice President Teaching, Learning and Digital Transformation (VP1)

High voter turnout in student committee elections

Friday 23 June 2023

The student bodies at the university have been newly elected. All student councils as well as the student parliament (StuPa) have been constituted and have now begun their work. The election organisers are particularly pleased that the highest voter turnout of the past ten years was achieved with 13.31 percent.

In addition, all student representatives have been elected. In the last elections, there were not enough candidates for the social policy student council. "We are very pleased that many students now want to get involved in university politics again after the difficult years in the wake of the Corona pandemic," says election director Kai Bühner.

Praesentation Wahlergebnisse Studentische Gremienwahlen 06_2023
Dennis Günther (2nd from left), Deputy Chair StuPa, Kai Bühner, Election Officer and Maria Aldenhövel, Deputy Election Officer, present VP Winzker (l.) and President Ihne the results of the elections.

The student committee elections are organised by the students themselves. University President Hartmut Ihne and Vice President for Studies, Teaching and Continuing Education Marco Winzker emphasised the importance of student co-determination for the H-BRS when presenting the election results: "The exchange with the student bodies, be it the AStA, the student parliament or the student councils, is extremely important for the university. It is nice to see that committed students take the opportunity to get involved and influence the further development of the H-BRS," says Ihne. The President wished the newly elected representatives much success in their responsible positions. He said he was looking forward to future cooperation.

The student parliament is the highest decision-making body of the student body. Its members elect the General Student Committee (AStA), for example, and decide on the statutes and the budget of the student body. The student councils represent the interests of the students in their department. They organise events, provide information on events in the department and are the contact persons for social and organisational questions.

Overview of the newly elected bodies

Student Parliament

Zur Seite des StuPa

Kai Sebastian Bühner, Vorsitzender

Dennis Günther, stellv. Vorsitzender

Alina Frühwirt

Amelie David

Bennett Schwanke

Daniel Kühne

Davide De Palo

Julian Fiedler

Karim Laatiri

Lara Sophia Püschner

Maria Aldenhövel

Philipp Schneider

Phoebe Gurbin

Svenja Götsch

Tony Janitz


Student Council Wirtschaftswissenschaften Sankt Augustin

Zur Seite der Fachschaft

Daniel Feder-Matheis

Kira Bunte

Lara Sophia Püschner

Laura Madeleine Knospe

Lukas Müller

Max Lafeld

Muayad Dala

Niklas Brieger

Nils Adebahr

Phoebe Gurbin


Student Council Wirtschaftswissenschaften Rheinbach

Zur Seite der Fachschaft

Ellen Kopischke

Fabian Hicksch

Jacqueline Chassein

Kilian Stroot

Léonie Thamm

Mara Schell

Nadine Heidgen

Saskia Geißler


Student Council Informatik Sankt Augustin

Zur Seite der Fachschaft

Andreas Dietrich

Christopher Bruce Alexander Falke

Eva Stümer

Fiona Schwindt

Ibrahim Özkü

Johannes Meyerhoff

Konstantin Stein

Lawin Daskin

Minh Truong

Ömer Süzen

Philipp Schneider

Wiete Lück


Student Council Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau & Technikjournalismus Sankt Augustin

Zur Seite der Fachschaft

Annabelle Altmann

Benedikt Eckstein

Bennett Schwanke

Christian Hermes

Daniel Axt

Gian Luca Gudelius

Jannis Jeworowski

Karim Laatiri

Klara Ollesch

Leopold Klemp

Marvin Erich Müller

Nikolaj Perfiliev

Stefan Rödemer

Titus Lange


Student Council Angewandte Naturwissenschaften Rheinbach

Zur Seite der Fachschaft

Betari Qalhata Ratrianto

Hendrik Heese

Julian Fiedler

Luca Wallner

Lynn Hamm

Svenja Götsch

Tobias Reder

Tony Janitz


Student Council Sozialversicherung Hennef

Zur Seite der Fachschaft

Celina Grosch

Emely Laß

Eric Schulz

Felix Wagner

Kirill Lipps

Lorena Becker

Tina Kummerhove

Xuan Hellwig


Student Council Nachhaltige Sozialpolitik Sankt Augustin

Zur Seite der Fachschaft

Christian Kessler

Elena Hoffmann

Hanne Koßmann

Leon Ueberall

Lukas Fiest

Marius Hülsmeyer

Nina Droßhard

Simon Strobl

Victor Lubaki