Department of Social Policy and Social Security Studies
Teaching in the Department of Social Policy and Social Security Studies
Teaching and learning formats
The department has a methodically and didactically diverse teaching and learning concept that focuses on direct dialogue between teachers and students. Classical lectures in the sense of frontal teaching are supplemented by interactive teaching discussions and seminar-based learning concepts. The aim is to promote analytical thinking, methodological competences and the reflected application of the contents learned in the subject area.
In the course of the degree programme, the proportion of lectures in the form of interactive teaching talks (with attached exercises or seminar-style teaching) shifts to interactive and discursive courses (seminar-style teaching and seminars), so that the combination of learning and comprehension knowledge can be pursued. The didactic diversity promotes student-centred teaching and learning and offers both students and lecturers corresponding design options. Studying in small groups helps students to actively participate in the teaching and learning processes and to enter into a cooperative and productive exchange with the teachers.
Digital teaching
The use of digital media and elements in teaching supports the teaching of competences and offers new, creative possibilities. Even before the Covid 19 pandemic, face-to-face teaching was not replaced by digital formats, but coordinated with each other and digital tools were integrated in a targeted manner (flipped classroom, blended learning and quiz tools). Teaching content can thus be presented in a diverse and activating as well as interactive way. Course materials and learning content are made available to students on the central teaching and learning platform LEA (Learning and Working Online). In addition, a virtual space for exchange and collaboration is provided.
Types of examination
In lectures, the acquisition of competences is often determined by means of written examinations. On the one hand, this serves to test recall performance. On the other hand (and this is also the focus), the increase in competence is tested, for example, by transfer tasks in which the transfer and application of specialised knowledge and skills are required.
In seminars and seminar-based teaching, the acquisition of competences can be specifically tested with regard to the application of knowledge and its implementation in contexts of action as well as the assessment and reflection of problems. Written assignments (e.g. term papers, policy papers), presentations or practical projects also promote interdisciplinary skills and qualifications (communicative skills, team orientation and independent, critical thinking).
Lecture series
In summer 2018, the inter-semester lecture series "Zwischenrufe zur Sozialpolitik" ("Interjections on Social Policy") was launched to discuss ideas and impulses on social policy. Guests from different areas of social policy (academia and practice) take up current topics and open up new social perspectives.