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Department of Social Policy and Social Security Studies

Social Security Management – Accident Insurance (BA)

Studiengang Sozialversicherung Schwerpunkt Unfallversicherung (DE)
Our dual bachelor’s degree programme in Social Security Management (BA) offers an overview of the social security systems in Germany. Here, the focus of the study at the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) is on statutory accident insurance in relation to organisation, funding and prevention, as well as rehabilitation and compensation services. A study contract with a statutory accident insurance company is required.

Programme content

The six-semester programme is offered by the Department of Social Policy and Social Security Studies at the H-BRS in close cooperation with the Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), the German statutory accident insurance body. Students graduate with the academic degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA). The goal of the programme is to qualify students for higher-level roles within social insurance companies, in particular with statutory accident insurance companies. The dual bachelor’s degree programme in Social Security Management - Accident Insurance (BA) offers a practical orientation and a scientific foundation in one. The H-BRS programme is rounded off by several two-month work placements and a five-month final work placement.

The bachelor’s degree programme is run by the Department of Social Policy and Social Security Studies at the H-BRS. The Department covers different academic disciplines, which work with an equal balance under the umbrella of Social Security Studies. Here, integrative interdisiplinarity is offered, for example with the fields of economics, medicine, legal studies, computer studies and case management. Students of the bachelor’s degree programme in Social Security benefit from this variety of academic perspectives and familiarise themselves with their area of specialism through a series of perspectives.

Perspectives and job prospects

After successfully completing the bachelor’s degree programme at the H-BRS, our graduates are qualified primarily for work in higher-level roles in accident insurance companies. The professional field is broad and comprises finding professional solutions to complex tasks in the field of prevention, rehabilitation and damage compensation following accidents at work or occupational illnesses and in the area of insurance contributions.

Language knowledge required

All teaching is conducted in German.


We offer our Social Security Management – Accident Insurance degree (BA) on our Hennef Campus. The Hennef Campus is located in North Rhine-Westphalia. Hennef Campus is a rather small campus near Bonn and easy to reach by car or public transport from Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf or Koblenz. Learn and research with us in a personal learning environment.



Bachelor's degree

Standard period of study

Six semesters

Language skills




Start of course

Winter semester

Semester contribution


For admission to the programme, the “Allgemeine Fachhochschulreife” school-leaving certificate and the conclusion of a study contract with an accident insurance company (professional associations and accident insurance providers) is necessary. These contracts are issued by the statutory accident insurance companies following a staff selection process.


A study contract with an accident insurance institution is necessary. With this, you can enrol online for the Bachelor Social Insurance from 1 July to 9 August. Postal applications are possible until 12 August.
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The Dual Study Programm at a Glance

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Study contents

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Career Prospects

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Documents and orders for download - Social Security

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Course guidance service Bachelor Social Security Management


Theses and Sponsorship Awards

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Student council Social Policy and Social Security Studies (Hennef)

Get to know H-BRS

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Study Information Days

The responsible contacts for questions

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Questions about application and enrolment can be answered by the Student Services


Information on course content and progression and (career) prospects can be obtained from the Course Guidance Services

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The Student Advice Centre provides advice on choosing, starting and completing a degree programme

Welcome Schriftzug Colourbox (DE)

Advice for international students


Departmental Office Social Policy and Social Security Studies

Course guidance service Bachelor Social Security Management




10 U 07


Zum Steimelsberg 7

53773, Hennef

Opening hours

We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact to the Student Services


Campus Sankt Augustin: Grantham Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin // Rooms E039 - E040 & E044 - E048

Campus Rheinbach: Egermannstr. 1, 53359 Rheinbach // Rooms 1.304 - 1.305

Opening hours

Telephone consultation hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, Monday - Thursday: 14:00 - 15:00

Personal consultation hours by appointment only

Deanary in the Department of Social Policy and Social Security Studies

Student council Social Policy and Social Security Studies (Hennef)




Zum Steimelsberg 7

53773 Hennef
