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Sustainable Social Policy (BA)

Bachelor's theses in the Sustainable Social Policy programme (B.A.)

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At the end of the Sustainable Social Policy (B.A.) degree programme, students write their Bachelor's thesis. This thesis is written by the students on a topic of their choice. The interdisciplinary knowledge they have acquired during their studies helps them to write their thesis. The students are supervised by two examiners, who provide supportive advice on questions and assess the thesis at the end.
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The Bachelor's thesis is approx. 50 pages long and takes three months to complete (with options for extension). The admission requirement is 140 ECTS from the 1st to 5th semester (excluding practical semester and specialisation II).

Supervision is provided by two examiners. The Bachelor's thesis is supervised by

  • at least one professor at the university
  • Research associates
  • Teaching staff for special tasks
  • Lecturers or persons from practice (semester) upon application by the student to the Chair of the Examination Board (informally by e-mail with sufficient justification

Below you will find a selection of supervised Bachelor's theses by employees from our specialisations in Society, Business and Communication. Please note that you can also write your Bachelor's thesis with other examiners within the department and with external examiners. You can find an overview of other examiners and subject areas in the download area below.

Further information, for example on writing a synopsis, can be found in LEA under the menu item "Bachelor's thesis".

Schwerpunkt Gesellschaft

Menschenkette Welt

The climate crisis, labour migration and social sustainability, among other topics, are the focus of the Society specialisation, as they have a direct impact on how we live together. Students learn and deepen the theories of sociology, political science and law in order to understand social structures and processes. Thanks to their interdisciplinary knowledge, students are able to recognise complex social problems and design effective socio-political strategies aimed at finding fair and sustainable solutions. In this way, they actively contribute to shaping a sustainable society.

Patrick Baues (DE)
Dr. Patrick Baues

Examiner: Dr Patrick Baues

Extract from supervised bachelor theses:

  • The European Parliament as an actor in the Middle East conflict between Israel and Palestine
  • Populism and extremism in the AfD and FPÖ. A comparison of the 2017 election programmes with a focus on social policy
  • Political and economic power striving of the PR China and the EU - A comparative qualitative content analysis of the "Belt and Road Initiative" and the "Global Gateway Initiative" with reference to climate protection in Africa
  • Municipal development policy. An insight into the policy field, its challenges and potentials, illustrated by the case study of municipal development measures in Ukraine
Platzhalter Grafik B blau hell
Platzhalter Grafik B blau hell

Examiner: Dr Anne Juhasz Liebermann

Excerpt of supervised bachelor theses:

  • The discourse on educational opportunities in German online press media since the Corona crisis
  • The significance of comprehensive schools for social inequality in the German school system
  • New forms of employment and social security, especially based on the platform economy in an international comparison
  • Curse or blessing: Supporting adults in self-organised youth groups from the perspective of young people
  • Literacy and basic education for adults - insights from practical experience during the coronavirus pandemic.
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Prof. Dr. Kerstin Rosenow-Williams

Examiner: Prof. Dr Kerstin Rosenow-Williams

Extract from supervised Bachelor theses:

  • Structural racism in Australia: The reproduction of social inequalities according to Bourdieu
  • The Prison-Industrial Complex: The Role of Structural Racism in the American Prison Industry
  • Post-migration stressors in the context of opportunity residency according to §104c AufenthG
  • The role of regenerative agroforestry in mitigating intercommunal conflicts over natural resources in Chad
  • Generation Z and Max Weber's ideal type of bureaucracy To what extent does Generation Z break down Max Weber's organisational theory?
Prof. Dr. Michael Sauer (DE)
Prof. Dr. Michael Sauer

Examiner: Prof. Dr Michael Sauer

Extract from supervised bachelor theses:

  • Eastern European commuter migrants as live-in carers in German private households 
  • Analysing the social policy reforms and measures of the Prawo i Sprawiedliwość party in Poland since 2015, taking into account populist aspects.
  • The Triple Win project for the recruitment of nurses from Bosnia-Herzegovina - Is the promise of development through labour migration being kept?
  • Femicide in South Africa: Analysing the instruments and objectives of the National Development Plan to combat gender-based violence against women in South Africa
  • An analysis of social movements in the presidential system of government in Tanzania under former President John Magafuli
Friederike Windhofer (DE)
Friederike Windhofer

Examiner: Friederike Windhofer

Extract from supervised bachelor theses:

  • Participant motivation of social movements and protests using the example of Fridays for Future
  • The politicisation potential of the video platform TikTok using the example of the (anti-) Trump movement/ What politicisation potential does the video platform TikTok offer for social movements? An empirical study using the example of the (anti-) Trump movement
  • The initial mobilisation of the lateral thinking movement in Germany with regard to its (mobilisation) strategies and goals
  • The influence of online mobilisation on Instagram on the collective identity of Black Lives Matter activists

Schwerpunkt Wirtschaft


The debt brake, income distribution and pension provision are topics that move and polarise everyone. By delving deeper into the theories of economics and methodological and management concepts, students learn ways to achieve economic sustainability. They analyse how economic measures and political decisions can promote social justice and ensure long-term stability. Through a sound understanding of economic principles and their application, students develop sustainable strategies to overcome economic challenges and strengthen social security systems.

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Natalie Bröse

Examiner: Natalie Bröse

Extract from supervised bachelor theses:

  • Gender equality in the distribution of unpaid care work in couple relationships
 Simona Helmsmüller (DE)
Prof. Dr. Simona Helmsmüller

Examiner: Prof. Dr Simona Helmsmüller

Extract from supervised bachelor theses:

  • How does the thematic allocation of ODA react to the EU accession negotiations of the Western Balkans?
  • Poverty and discrimination in healthcare: A case study of Pakistan
  • Analysing bias in the estimation of returns to education - a systematic literature review
  • The social sustainability of smart cities: A comparative analysis of two European cities
  • Motives and challenges in second-chance education - a qualitative empirical analysis
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Prof. Dr. Karin Hummel

Examiner: Prof. Dr Karin Hummel

Excerpts from supervised Bachelor theses:

  • Analysing bias in the estimation of returns to education - a systematic literature review
  • Digital exclusion in Germany: An analysis of the relationship between digital exclusion and life satisfaction in different life situations
  • Labelling as an instrument of environmental policy - analysis of CO2 labelling on food products
  • Which factors influence the transition from primary to secondary school?
  • The taxation of married couples in Germany, Sweden and France
Platzhalter Grafik B blau hell
Jessica Klein

Prüferin: Jessica Klein

Auszug betreuter Bachelorarbeiten:

  • Armut und Diskriminierung im Gesundheitswesen: Eine Fallstudie aus Pakistan
Remi Maier-Rigaud
Prof. Dr. Remi Maier-Rigaud

Examiner: Prof. Dr Remi Maier-Rigaud

Extract from supervised bachelor theses:

  • The internalisation of external effects with regard to the consumer behaviour of individuals - The consumer-citizen gap between normative individualism and state paternalism
  • Social cohesion in crisis situations. An analysis based on the Covid-19 pandemic and the energy crisis
  • Options for reforming the public health service in Germany
  • Nudging as an instrument for curbing the negative effects of cannabis consumption in the context of legalisation in Germany
  • Health inequality - SHI bonus programmes with regard to inequality-enhancing effects

Schwerpunkt Kommunikation

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Fake news, social media and agenda-cutting - media and communication studies have become an indispensable part of everyday life. Students learn how to use the various media formats correctly to communicate socio-political issues and expose supposedly false facts. The ability to prepare content textually, visually and audibly enables them to reach a broad target group and raise awareness of sustainable social practices.

Prof. Dr. Derya Gür-Şeker

Examiners: Prof. Dr Derya Gür-Şeker

Extract of supervised bachelor theses:

  • How is the concept of second-level agenda-setting applied in newspaper coverage of heat pumps, especially with regard to the representation of specific frames, attributes and topics?
  • Antifeminism online: Empirical analysis of YouTube appearances by coaches in the mannosphere
  • Lost in Social Media. An empirical study of young people's use of social media with regard to the lack of interaction in society
Hektor Haarkötter
Prof. Dr. Hektor Haarkötter

Examiner: Prof. Dr Hektor Haarkötter

Extract from supervised bachelor theses:

  • The AfD's use of metaphors in the political discourse on the Citizen's Income on X (formerly Twitter). An empirical discourse analysis
  • Political information literacy in the media democracy
  • Agenda cutting using the case study of marine pollution
Kathrin Keller
Kathrin Keller

Examiner: Kathrin Keller

Extract from supervised bachelor theses:

  • Objectivity in daily newspapers of German-speaking countries in relation to the war in Ukraine
  • To what extent is social diversity in terms of religion, gender and ethnic origin reflected in local media coverage? An empirical data collection
  • Social broadcasting instead of social media? An empirical study on the social opportunities and risks of a joint social media platform of public broadcasters in Germany
  • E-voting as an election method in Germany and Europe. A systematic country comparison and critical discussion