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Research Database: Projects

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Research Projects (187)

SkaSim - Scalable HPC software for simulations in the chemical industry

With using force field based molecular dynamic simulations it is possible to open up the field of modelling to the engineering sciences for the first time. Based on molecular interactions techniqual systems can now be reliably analysed. For sure the molecular simulation will also have a great impact on industrial development and resource efficiency. Chemical companies will be able to make use of simulations to solve engineering problems efficiently and therefore to replace experiments. To achieve this, it is necessary to reach accuracies comparable to high-level experiments. This requires optimised molecular models as well as overall efficiency. This means coordinated development of models, simulation methods and software.  This goal of this project is to investigate highly parallel molecular dynamics and new methods for highly parallel mathematic optimisation. Special focus will be put on: the prediction of specific properties for pure substances the behaviour of mixed fluid phases the study of nano scaled processes the development of new methods in the field of fluid phase lines and nucleation in reacting systems    


The goal of EWave is: 1. to develop an innovative energy management system 2. to calculate energy efficient operating plans for water distribution systems 3. to coordinate the everchanging offers of energy production facilities and different energy suppliers. 4. to start a pilot application at "Rheinisch-Westfälische Wasserwerksgesellschaft mbH" (RWW)  


The STELLA Efficient Mobility group explores issues in intelligent transportation. Our work centers around the energy-efficient control and design of vehicles, and their relationship with their passengers. Our focus is on bringing state-of-the-art machine learning solutions to traditional transportation problems.  Our experiments are conducted using high-performance electrically assisted velomobiles. These light-weight, aerodynamic vehicles act as a test-bed for ideas about the larger transportation picture. With a weak motor compared to the its weight, the pull of gravity caused by the slope of the road has an outsized influence on the motion of the vehicle. Controllers designed to take advantage of, and compensate for, this effect can yield large savings in energy consumption, and be applied to vehicles which are similarly effected, including some of our most energy hungry vehicles: trains, trucks, and buses.  Creating these controllers requires a deep understanding of how the vehicle behaves in the real world. Designed primarily by hobbyists and small companies, velomobiles lack the sophisticated aerodynamic and motor models produced for traditional vehicles by generations of engineers. We take this as an opportunity to explore innovative techniques for creating these models by taking advantage of new computational tools and advances in machine learning. We are most interested in the use of real world data, rather than data collected in highly controlled environments such as wind tunnels. We believe that modeling techniques which can take into account how vehicles behave as we drive them, not just as the could be driven, will have widespread application. Modeling the vehicle itself is only one aspect of our research. By collecting data from riders as they ride we are building models of how our bodies react to training, in both the long and short term. This allows us to not only support riders with electrical-motor assistance to avoid exhaustion on individual trips, but for long-term training plans to be developed so that riders get the most out of their efforts. Coupled with intelligent motor controllers, a day’s training can be  customized, even without changing routes.  The Stella project is composed of researchers from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Our foremost concern is to bring our work into reality and affect change through innovation. We are always eager to cooperate with those in industry, government, and like-minded academic institutions.

Energy Efficient Modulation Techniques and Sensor Networks for Energy Efficiency

Die Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg - einfach ausgezeichnet. Studieren Sie bei uns! Es erwartet Sie ein praxisorientiertes Studium auf der Basis aktueller Forschungsergebnisse.

Yield assessment of photovoltaic modules

In the scope of this project an LED Flasher will be developed that enables the controlling of intensity, spectral distribution of energy density, and angle of incidence. This helps the measuring of the situational energy yield in the laboratory. This project is supported by the Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy within the programm ‚Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand‘ (ZIM).

Vehicle based photovoltaic system for energy efficiency and cost saving

The project is about the idea of a quick retrofit for conventional cars and buses, in order to reduce fuel consumption, related costs and CO2 emissions by using photovoltaic panels on the roof which are connected to the existing vehicle power supply network. This reduces the load on the alternator and leads to a reduction in fuel consumption. Tasks The main task of this project is to find out if the suggested PV system is applicable and profitable particularly with regard to sustainability: Theoretic calculations Experimental tests Analysing the results Impact estimations

Project management at the H-BRS

Prof. Dr Stefanie Meilinger
Robots Standards and Reference Architectures

The objective of the RoSta - Robots Standards and Reference Architectures was to proactively take the initiative on the definition of formal standards and the establishment of de facto standards in the field of robotics, especially service robotics. The proposal did not aim at a broad coverage of topics, which might lend themselves towards a standardisation. Rather it was proposed to take the initiative in the formulation of standards in a very few, selected key topics which had the highest possible impact. These topics are at the core of robotics research and development, and therefore have the potential to form the root of a whole chain of standard defining activities going far beyond the specific activities proposed here. More specifically the technological objectives of this proposal are to coordinate a set of actions initiating and preparing a set of standard defining activities on the following topics of advanced robotics: 1. Creation of a glossary/ontology for mobile manipulation and service robots 2. Specification of a reference architecture for mobile manipulation and service robots 3. Specification of a middleware for mobile manipulation and service robots 4. Formulation of benchmarks (of components, methods, middleware and architectures) for mobile manipulation and service robots

Contact Points

Centre for Science and Technology Transfer (ZWT)


F 405


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 745

Vice President Research and Young Academics


Sankt Augustin


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 602