Communications and Marketing

H-BRS opens studio for computer games

Monday 14 February 2022

More and more people are spending more and more time playing computer games, and the industry has enormous growth potential. The technology behind the games is sophisticated and is constantly evolving. Students learn the basics at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS). The Department of Computer Science has furnished a studio with state-of-the-art technology for the realisation of game ideas - including the most popular current games for testing.

Space for new game ideas: The new Game Studio. Video: H-BRS

Raum für neue Spieleideen: Das neue Game Studio. Video: H-BRS

Playstation 5, Xbox and Nintendo Switch: the popular games consoles are on the course schedule of computer science students at H-BRS. The aim is to have fun with them, but it goes far beyond that: the students analyse the design of current games and get an idea of the technical possibilities. The consoles are part of the equipment in the "Game Studio", which the university has newly set up in the Department of Computer Science and has now officially handed over for its intended purpose.


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The studio enables students from the Department of Computer Science to develop their own games using the latest tools, add their own soundtrack and test them.

"The state-of-the-art hardware - from the latest consoles and graphics computers to VR headsets - offers students an excellent opportunity to design, develop and try out new types of games and innovative game technologies," says Professor Ernst Kruijff from the Department of Computer Science. "I am sure that the creative atmosphere combined with the excellent facilities will generate many exciting ideas for the games market."

Video games and game development are part of the research strategy at H-BRS. With the Institute of Visual Computing (IVC), the university covers a wide range of applications. Around 60 scientists work there with a research-oriented approach to interactive environments, computer vision and visualisation.

Specialisation in visual computing possible in the Bachelor's degree programme

Computer science students who want to learn the basics of game development can already specialise in visual computing in the Bachelor's degree programme. They develop their first games in the Game Development module. The Master's degree programme in Visual Computing & Games Technology builds on this and teaches advanced knowledge and practical skills for computer games, which are necessary for the creation of new rendering processes and innovative user interfaces, for example. Topics such as virtual or augmented reality, user experience, computer vision and scientific visualisation are also covered.


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At the end of the semester, students present the games they have developed at the "Open Games Day". The university presents the best ideas at its stand at "gamescom". The next assignment of the leading trade fair for game development is planned for August 2022.

Strengthening NRW as a centre for games

The importance that Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg attaches to games technology is also reflected in the recent establishment of the Games Technology Network (GTN), which is being funded by the state of NRW for two years.

The university is also involved in the development of games technology

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With this network, H-BRS, together with three other research-strong universities in North Rhine-Westphalia, aims to sustainably increase the competitiveness of NRW as a centre for games. The aim of the new network is to create a research and innovation centre for games.

The new Game Studio, together with the Institute for Visual Computing, represents an important hub for networking research institutions with industrial companies in order to promote games technology and further develop NRW as a location.





Do you still have questions?

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André Hinkenjann

Founding director of the Institute of Visual Computing, Research Professor Computer Graphics and Interactive Environments

Research fields


Sankt Augustin


C 167


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 229

Ernst Kruijff

Professor for Human Computer Interaction, Co-Director Institute of Visual Computing (IVC)


Sankt Augustin


C 273


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9616
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Martin Schulz

Science editor


Sankt Augustin


E 240


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9560