PersoImplant - personalised implants for bone defects
Research project at a glance
The aim of this project is to develop an individualised and functional carrier material for bone defects. The main focus is put on
the multi-step development of an individualised, functional carrier material
the osteogene differentiation by external factors (CD73, P1 receptors)
the use of adult stem cells for the differentiation of osteoblasts
the synthesis of new carrier material und their chemical modifications
Departments and Instituts
Funding type
Publicly funded research
01.02.2015 to 31.01.2019
Project manager at H-BRS
Project Description
The aim of this project is to develop an individualised and functional carrier material for bone defects. The main focus is put on
- the multi-step development of an individualised, functional carrier material
- the osteogene differentiation by external factors (CD73, P1 receptors)
- the use of adult stem cells for the differentiation of osteoblasts
- the synthesis of new carrier material und their chemical modifications
Research associates
Cooperation partners
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