Communications and Marketing

University continues to be certified as family-friendly

Monday 16 December 2019

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) has undergone the berufundfamilie Service Gmbh audit process for the fifth time. Following the most recent certification, H-BRS has now been able to continue to carry the "audit familiengerechte hochschule" certificate since 10 December 2019. The award ceremony will take place in June 2020.

84 employers passed the audit this year, including eight universities. Alongside H-BRS, only the Technical Universities of Braunschweig and Dresden have impressed as often with their measures for balancing work and family life on the one hand and studying and family life on the other.

For Annegret Schnell, equal opportunity commissioner at H-BRS, the certificate is an important building block in the recruitment of staff and students: "Most people only think of employees when they think of family justice. But students have the same obligations: They have children, parents or siblings to look after and need advice, attention and support. That's what they get from us."

Welcome packages for newborns, parent-child rooms or holiday care for children cover an important need in addition to confidential counselling services. In addition, there is a student union daycare centre in the immediate vicinity of the campus in Sankt Augustin and Rheinbach. H-BRS also has an agreement with both cities for a fixed number of daycare places in a municipal facility.