Communications and Marketing
Thinking openly: H-BRS is "Excellent Place" 2017

The "Germany - Land of Ideas" initiative and Deutsche Bank have been jointly organising the competition for twelve years. This is the second time that H-BRS has been one of the winners.
A high-calibre jury selected the EPICSAVE project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), from around 1,000 applications submitted.
"In our project, we are developing and testing a novel training approach for prospective emergency paramedics with the aim of making life-threatening emergencies that occur too rarely for adequate training, such as allergic shock in children, practically trainable," explains project manager Prof Dr Jonas Schild
The trainee paramedics are immersed in a virtual environment with the help of VR goggles, in which they are confronted with virtual patients and can treat them. The learning experience is enhanced by linking motivating approaches from the world of computer games with the theoretical training content.

Openness has potential
"We are delighted with the diversity and wealth of ideas of the 2017 'Award-winning places'. They prove how lively and creative the innovation landscape is in this country - Germany is and remains the land of ideas," said Christian Sewing, member of the Management Board of Deutsche Bank, congratulating the new award winners
Dieter Kempf, President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), says: "Openness is the opposite of protectionism. Wherever we are open, think beyond borders and remove obstacles, innovation and progress thrive. The 100 award winners demonstrate this in an impressive way and are therefore exemplary for Germany as a business location."

Innovations in the spotlight
The prizewinners receive a lot of support during the competition year: "Germany - Land of Ideas" and Deutsche Bank help the prizewinners to put their project in the spotlight. In addition, the winners benefit from the competition's network and are invited to exclusive events. They can also advertise themselves with the "Landmark in the Land of Ideas" seal of approval, making it easier for them to attract new customers, partners, sponsors or members. Each award winner receives a diploma signed by the Federal President. For the first time, award winners can receive advice from experts and coaching in workshops as part of Deutsche Bank's "Made for Good" programme - for example on the topics of crowdfunding and crowdinvesting, possible mentoring programmes or public relations work.

About the competition
"Germany - Land of Ideas" is the joint location initiative of the Federal Government and German industry, represented by the BDI. Deutsche Bank has been a partner and sponsor of the "Landmarks in the Land of Ideas" competition since 2006. The aim is to make innovations from Germany visible at home and internationally and to strengthen the performance and future viability of the location.

The EPICSAVE project
The project webpage in the H-BRS research database
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[Archive] Eva Tritschler
Press and Public Relations, Spokeswoman/Editor-in-Chief of the university magazine doppelpunkt:
Sankt Augustin
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin