Department of Computer Science

Prof. Dr Matthias Bertram
Vice Dean of the Department/Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Informations- u. Kommunikationssysteme
Department of Computer Science
Sankt Augustin
C 293
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 487Memberships
Bertram, M. (2016): The Strategic Role of Software Customization – Managing Customization-Enabled Software Product Development. Springer-Gabler Verlag, Dissertation.
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Schaarschmidt, M., Bertram, M. und Von Korflesch, H. (2022). Digitally co-created corporate social responsibility: Testing the effectiveness of “You decide, we donate” approaches. International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2022), Nürnberg.
Schaarschmidt, M., Bertram, M. und Knobloch, M. (2021). Last mile drone delivery services: Adoption barriers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Austin, TX.
Schaarschmidt, M. & Bertram, M. (2020). Digital business intensity and constructive process deviance: A study of reactions to digitization-focused process innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 24(07), 2050065.
Schaarschmidt, M., Stol, K. J., Walsh, G., & Bertram, M. (2019). Lead users' innovative work behavior in digital platform ecosystems: a large scale study of app developers. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany.
Schaarschmidt, M., & Bertram, M. (2019). Process deviance and compliance as reactions to digitization-focused process innovation. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2019, No. 1, p. 16673). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Bertram, M., & Schaarschmidt, M. (2019). Digitalisierung und soziale Medien im Handwerk: Ergebnisse einer Studie im Bereich Heizungs-, Sanitär-und Klimatechnik. In Online-Reputationskompetenz von Mitarbeitern (pp. 197-211). Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
Schaarschmidt, M.; Homscheid, D.; Höber, B. & Bertram, M.; (2017): Lead Userness and Innovative Work Behavior in Application Development: A Dual Path Model. The 15th Annual Open and User Innovation Society Meeting. July 10-12. Innsbruck, Austria.
Bertram, M.; Schaarschmidt, M. & Von Kortzfleisch, H.F.O. (2016): Software Product Customization: Resources and Capabilities that Drive Use and Exchange Value. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland.
Schaarschmidt, M.; Bertram, M.; Walsh, G. & Von Kortzfleisch, H.F.O. (2015): Customer Knowledge and Requirements Engineering in Customization Projects: A Multi-Method Case Study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth, Texas.
Zerwas, C.; Bertram, M. & von Kortzfleisch, H.F.O. (2016): Die Bedeutung der Absorptive Capacity für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen: Ergebnisse einer Literaturanalyse. ZfKE – Zeitschrift Für KMU und Entrepreneurship.
Eberz, S., Derakhshanmanesh, M., Bertram, M. & Von Kortzfleisch, H.F.O. (2015): Entscheidungen im Gründungskontext: Anforderungen an die Simulation von Causation und Effectuation. 12 Internationale Konferenz der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 4.-6. März 2015, Osnabrück.
Schaarschmidt, M.; Walsh, G.; Bertram, M. & Von Kortzfleisch, H.F.O. (2015): Customer-Induced Interactions and Innovation in Professional Services: The Case of Software Customization. International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(2).