Department of Engineering and Communication

Department of Engineering and Communication, Institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE)
Sankt Augustin
B 231
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 340Profile
Vernetzte Systeme
Einsatz und Entwicklung vernetzter Sensoren zum schonenden Umgang mit Ressourcen
Analoge und digitale Schaltungstechnik
Low Power Übertragungstechnik
Entwicklung von Sensornetzwerkkomponenten für intelligentes Energiemonitoring in großen Gebäuden
Autarke Funksensorsysteme für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und industrielle Anwendungen
Fadhil S. Hasan, Alejandro A. Valenzuela:
Joint Subcarrier Time Reference Index Modulation aided Differential Chaos Shift Keying Communication System.
PDF Download (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3483940 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-86629
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Hikmat N. Abdullah, Nuha Sh. Bakr, Alejandro A. Valenzuela:
Double Threshold Soft Decision Rule for Improving Performance of Cognitive Radio Networks.
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Alejandro A. Valenzuela, Mauro Schwab, Adolfo A. Silnik, Alfredo F. Debattista, Roberto A. Kiessling:
Low Power Wireless Sensor Node Platform for Agriculture Monitoring in Argentina.
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Fadhil S. Hasan, Alejandro A. Valenzuela:
Design and Analysis of an OFDM-Based Orthogonal Chaotic Vector Shift Keying Communication System.
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Alejandro Valenzuela:
Abwehrvorrichtung für kriechende lnsekten.
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J. Vollmer, L. Bernhard, C. Schirrmeister, M. Ulrich, A. Valenzuela:
Flexible machine monitoring by combination of autonomous wireless sensors with a web-interfaced sensor system.
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Lucas E. Ramero, Adolfo A. Silnik, Alfredo F. Debattista, Roberto A. Kiessling, Alejandro A. Valenzuela:
Propuesta de Arquitectura de Red de Datos para el Proyecto Campo Conectado.
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Hikmat N. Abdullah, Sura F. Yousif, Alejandro A. Valenzuela:
Wavelet based image steganographic system using chaotic signals.
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A. Gatri, Z. Ghassemlooy, A. Valenzuela:
Performance analysis of QPSK FSO system with various operating wavelengths and adaptive optics over fog channel.
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Hikmat N. Abdullah, Fadhil Sahib, Alejandro A. Valenzuela:
FPGA based pi/4-DQPSK complex wavelet packet modulation.
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A. Gatri, Z. Ghassemlooy, A. Valenzuela, O. Strobel, R. Rejeb:
Experimental study of coherent detection BPSK modulated communication link under controlled fog atmospheric conditions.
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Alejandro A. Valenzuela:
Multisensor system for energy consumption awareness in large buildings.
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Hikmat N. Abdullah, Fadhil Sahib, Alejandro Valenzuela:
Hybrid PAPR reduction technique for complex wavelet packet modulation system.
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A. Gatri, Z. Ghassemlooy, A. Valenzuela, O. Strobel, R. Rejeb, E. Leitgeb:
Experimental study of the performance for BPSK subcarrier intensity modulation free space optics communications in a laboratory controlled turbulence channel.
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Alejandro A. Valenzuela, Hikmat N. Abdullah:
Low Power Transmission for Autonomous Wireless Indoor Sensors.
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Hikmat N. Abdullah, Fadhil Hassan, Alejandro A. Valenzuela:
FPGA based fast complex wavelet packet modulation (FCWPM) system.
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Hikmat N. Abdullah, Alejandro A. Valenzuela:
Efficient chaotic communication system for wireless sensing applications.
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Hikmat N. Abdullah, Alejandro A. Valenzuela:
Performance Evaluation of FM-COOK Chaotic Communication System.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.4236/jsip.2011.23023 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-8455
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A. A. Valenzuela, G. Heinen, M. Neumann, W. Prinz:
Energietransparenz durch vernetzte Ethernet‐Stromsensor‐Plattform.
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H. N. Abdullah, A. A. Valenzuela:
Chaotic Communication for Wireless Sensing Applications.
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H. N. Abdullah, F. Sahib, A. A. Valenzuela:
Design of High Speed Haar Wavelet Packet Modulation (HWPM) System.
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Alejandro A. Valenzuela, Hikmat N. Abdullah:
A Joint Matlab/FPGA Design of AM Receiver for Teaching Purposes.
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A. A. Valenzuela, G. Heinen, M. Neumann, W. Prinz:
Low Cost Displays: final report prepared for RheinEnergie, Cologne.
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A. A. Valenzuela, H. A. Hadi, H. N. Abdullah:
FPGA Based Transceiver with Multiple Modulation Schemes Designed with Simulink HDL Coder.
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A. A. Valenzuela, H. A. Hadi, H. N. Abdullah:
Design and Implementation of a FPGA Based Software Defined Radio Using Simulink HDL Coder.
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M. Krist, H. Wilden, A. A. Valenzuela:
Design und Charakterisierung alternativer Chirp-basierter Signalgenerierungsschaltungen für Waveform-Diversity-Betrieb in bildgebenden Radaren im K-Band.
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T. S. Beyer, A. A. Valenzuela:
Der Entscheidungsweg zu aktuellen Funktechnologien für die M2M-Vernetzung im Alltag.
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A. A. Valenzuela, G. Heinen, M. Neumann, W. Prinz:
Evaluation des Smart Metering-Konzepts: final presentation of interview results of the project "Future Housing" at IHK Köln/Bonn, Cologne.
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A. A. Valenzuela, G. Heinen, M. Neumann, W. Prinz:
Ergebnisse der Workshops zur Nutzerfreundlichkeit ausgewählter Systeme: final presentation of usability workshops for RheinEnergie, Cologne, November 2009.
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H. N. Abdullah, A. A. Valenzuela:
A joint MATLAB/FPGA design of a digital receiver for teaching purposes.
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Andreas Bunzemeier, Rolf-Dieter Lepper, Udo Roth, Hans Schäfer, Andrea Schwandt, Gerd Steinebach, Christian Uhde, Alejandro A. Valenzuela:
Entwicklung von Hard- und Softwaremodulen für einen Kurzwellentransceiver nach dem SDR-Prinzip zum Einsatz in der Lehre: Abschlussbericht.
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W. Rauch, E. Gornik, G. Sölkner, A. A. Valenzuela, H. Behner, G. Gieres:
High temperature superconducting coplanar and epitaxially grown microstrip transmission lines studied by a half-wavelength resonator technique.
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H. Hübner, A. A. Valenzuela:
Radio frequency performance of superconducting thin films in high magnetic fields.
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R. Weigel, A. A. Valenzuela, P. Russer:
Koplanare hochtemperatursupraleitende Hochfrequenzbauelemente.
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R. Weigel, M. Nalezinski, A. A. Valenzuela, P. Russer:
High-temperature superconducting X-band CPW band-pass filters with small bandwidth.
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R. Weigel, A. A. Valenzuela, P. Russer:
YBCO superconducting microwave components.
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R. Weigel, M. Nalezinski, A. A. Valenzuela, P. Russer:
Narrow-band YBCO superconducting parallel-coupled coplanar waveguide band-pass filters at 10 GHz.
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A. A. Valenzuela, G. Sölkner, J. Kessler, P. Russer:
Microwave Characterisation of Structured YBa2Cu3O7-δ - Thin Films.
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A. A. Valenzuela, G. Sölkner, J. Kessier, P. Russer:
Surface resistance and magnetic penetration depth of structured YBa2Cu3O7-δ-thin films.
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W. Rauch, A. A. Valenzuela, G. Sölkner, F. Fox, H. Behner, G. Gieres, E. Gornik:
Coplanar waveguide and epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-x/NdAlO3/YBa2Cu3O7-x-trilayer transmission line resonators for microwave applications.
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W. Rauch, E. Gornik, A. A. Valenzuela, G. Sölkner, F. Fox, H. Behner, G. Gieres, P. Russer:
Planar transmission line resonators from YBa2Cu3O7-x thin films and epitaxial SIS multilayers.
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W. Rauch, E. Gornik, G. Sölkner, A. A. Valenzuela, F. Fox, H. Behner:
Microwave properties of YBa2Cu3O7−x thin films studied with coplanar transmission line resonators.
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W. Rauch, E. Gornik, G. Sölkner, A. A. Valenzuela, F. Fox, H. Behner:
Microwave properties of structured YBa2Cu3O7−x thin films.
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A. A. Valenzuela, G. Sölkner, J. Kessler, P. Russer:
Surface resistance and magnetic penetration depth of structured YBa2Cu3O7-x-thin films.
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A. A. Valenzuela:
High temperature superconducting high frequency devices.
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Robert Weigel, Alejandro A. Valenzuela, Peter H. Russer:
YBCO Superconducting Microwave Oscillator.
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Alejandro A. Valenzuela, M. Nalezinski, Robert Weigel, B. Daalmans, Peter H. Russer:
Transmission Line filters with High Tc Superconducters.
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Peter H. Russer, Alejandro A. Valenzuela:
Linear Passive Microwave Circuits with High Temperatur Superconductors.
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W. Rauch, A. A. Valenzuela, G. Sölkner, H. Behner, G. Gieres, E. Gornik:
Microstrip transmission line resonator with epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-x/NdAIO3/YBa2Cu2O7-x trilayer.
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W. Rauch, H. Behner, G. Gieres, G. Sölkner, F. Fox, A. A. Valenzuela, E. Gornik:
DC-magnetron sputtering of YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films for microwave applications.
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Roland Ramisch, Ralf Klieber, Martin H. Schwab, Alejandro A. Valenzuela, Robert Weigel, Peter H. Russer:
On the design and performance of a hybrid-integrated high-T c superconducting C-band oscillator.
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J. Kraus, G. Soelkner, A. A. Valenzuela:
An electro-optic laser probe at low temperature for the characterization of planar integrated microwave resonators.
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R. Klieber, R. Ramisch, R. Weigel, M. Schwab, A. A. Valenzuela, R. Dill, P. Russer:
Single-Substrate High-Tc Superconducting Coplanar Oscillator at 6.5 GHz.
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R. Klieber, R. Ramisch, A. A. Valenzuela, R. Weigel, P. Russer:
A coplanar transmission line high-T/sub c/ superconductive oscillator at 6.5 GHz on a single substrate.
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R. Klieber, R. Ramisch, R. Weigel, M. Schwab, R. Dill, A. A. Valenzuela, P. Russer:
High-temperature superconducting resonator-stabilized coplanar hybrid-integrated oscillator at 6.5 GHz.
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J. Keßler, P. Russer, R. Dill, A. A. Valenzuela:
Characterization of high-Tc superconducting coplanar structures by a partial wave synthesis.
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J. Keßler, R. Dill, P. Russer, A. A. Valenzuela:
Analyse von koplanaren Resonatoren aus hochtemperatur-supraleitenden Dünnfilmen.
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G. Gieres, B. Roas, P. Russer, G. Sölkner, A. A. Valenzuela, E. Wolfgang:
Planar resonators for the characterization of high-Tc thin films.
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G. Gieres, J. Kessler, J. Kraus, B. Roas, P. Russer, G. Soelkner, A. A. Valenzuela:
High-frequency characterization of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-x thin films with coplanar resonators.
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Alejandro A. Valenzuela:
Testchip für passive Bauelemente der Hochfrequenztechnik.
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A. A. Valenzuela, B. Roas, P. Prieto, U. Poppe, B. Daalmans, G. Sölkner, E. Wolfgang:
Koplanare Leitungsresonatoren hoher Güte aus YBa2Cu3O7-x.
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A. A. Valenzuela, G. Daalmans, R. Dill, P. Russer, L. Schultz, G. Sölkner, E. Wolfgang:
Testchip for high temperature superconductor passive devices.
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J. Kebler, R. Dill, P. Russer, A. A. Valenzuela:
Property Calculations of a Superconducting Coplanar Waveguide Resonator.
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R. Dill, J. Otto, G. Riha, P. Russer, L. Schultz, G. Sölkner, A. A. Valenzuela, E. Wolfgang:
Testchip for high temperature superconductor passive devices.
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B. Daalmans, G. Sölkner, A. A. Valenzuela, E. Wolfgang:
Passive high-Tc components.
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A. A. Valenzuela:
Entwicklung von Mikrowellenbauelementen aus Hochtemperatur-Supraleitern.
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A. A. Valenzuela, P. Russer:
High Q coplanar transmission line resonator of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7− x on MgO.
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A. A. Valenzuela, B. Daalmans, B. Roas:
High-Q coplanar transmission line resonator of YBa2Cu3O7−x on LaAlO3.
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A. A. Valenzuela:
Koplanare Resonanzstrukturen aus Hochtemperatursupraleitern.
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J. Hausner, G. R. Olbrich, P. Russer, A. A. Valenzuela:
Nonlinear Approach for the Optimization of a DRO at 10.4GHz.
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