Department of Management Sciences

Department of Management Sciences
Sankt Augustin
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
Field of work:
- Course “Internet Economy” (special subject Business Information Systems)
- Course “Preparation of written papers” (module Management Sciences, basic seminar)
- Organisation of the post-exam review of the Bachelor’s degree programme Business Management (Sankt Augustin)
- Editing of current publications
- Implmentation of practice projects on the following topics:
- Mobility of tomorrow
- Autonomous driving
- User-orientes concepts in mobility
- Supervision of term papers and theses
Research Associate
Department of Management Sciences Sankt Augustin Campus
- Pakusch, C., Meurer, D., Tolmie, P., Stevens, G. (2020). Traditional Taxis vs. Automated Taxis – Does the Driver Matter for Millennials? Travel Behaviour and Society 21 (2020): 214-225. Impact Factor 2018: 3.2 Link
- Hahn, A., Pakusch, C., & Stevens, G. (2020). Die Zukunft der Bushaltestelle vor dem Hintergrund von Mobility-as-a-Service – Eine qualitative Betrachtung des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs in Deutschland. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 1-18. Peer Reviewed. Link
- Pakusch, C.; Stevens, G.; Boden, A.; Bossauer, P. (2018). Unintended Effects of Autonomous Driving: A Study on Mobility Preferences in the Future. Sustainability 10(7): 2404. DOI: 10.3390/su10072404. Peer Reviewed. Impact Factor 2018: 2.6 Link
- Pakusch, C.; Neifer, T.; Bossauer, P.; Stevens, G. (2018). P2P-Carsharing. Motive, Ängste und Barrieren bei der Teilnahme – eine explorative Studie. Internationales Verkehrswesen (70) 4, 57-60. Link
- Wödl, S.; Pakusch. C.; Bossauer, P.; Stevens, G. Auswirkung vollautomatisierter PKWs auf die Verkehrsmittelwahl (2017). Internationales Verkehrswesen. (69) 3, 68-72. Link
- Pakusch. C.; Bossauer, P.; Meurer. J.; Stevens, G. (2016). Computergestützte Mobilitätsforschung: Fragestellungen, Daten und Methoden. Internationales Verkehrswesen. (68) 4, 57-60. Link
- Meurer, J. Pakusch, C., Randall, D. & Wulf, V. (2020). A Wizard of Oz Study on Passengers' Experiences of a Robo-Taxi Service in Real-Life Settings. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM on Designing Interactive Systems Conference (pp. 1365-1377). Link
- Pakusch. C.; Bossauer, P.; Stevens, G. (2020). The Unintended Social Consequences of Driverless Mobility Services – How will Taxi Drivers and their Customers Be Affected?. ICT4S2020. 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainability. Peer Reviewed. Link
- Bossauer, P., Neifer, T., Stevens, G., & Pakusch, C. (2020, April). Trust versus Privacy: Using Connected Car Data in Peer-to-Peer Carsharing. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-13). Peer Reviewed. Link
- Bossauer, P., Schreiber, D., Neifer, T., Pakusch, C., & Stevens, G. (2020). Dezentralisierung der Sharing Economy–Potentiale Blockchain-basierter Sharing-Plattformen. 15th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, March 08-11, 2020, Potsdam, Germany. Peer Reviewed. Link
- Pakusch C., Stevens G., Schreiber D. (2020). How Millennials Will Use Autonomous Vehicles: An Interview Study. In: Cagáňová D., Horňáková N. (eds) Mobility Internet of Things 2018. Mobility IoT 2018. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer, Cham. Link
- Stevens, G., Bossauer, P., Vonholdt, S., Pakusch, C. (2019). Using Time and Space Efficiently in Driverless Cars: Findings of a Co-Design Study. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-14). Peer Reviewed. Link
- Meurer, J., Lawo, D., Pakusch, C., Tolmie, P., & Wulf, V. (2019). Opportunities for Sustainable Mobility: Re-thinking Eco-feedback from a Citizen's Perspective. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Communities & Technologies (pp. 102-113). ACM. Peer Reviewed. Link
- Pakusch, C., Stevens, G., & Bossauer, P. (2018). Shared Autonomous Vehicles: Potentials for a Sustainable Mobility and Risks of Unintended Effects. ICT4S2018. 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainability. Peer Reviewed. Link
- Pakusch, C., Stevens, G., & Bossauer, P., Weber, T. (2018). The Users' Perspective on Autonomous Driving-A Comparative Analysis of Partworth Utilities. International Conference on e-Business / International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2018). Peer Reviewed. Link
- Pakusch, C.; Weber, T.; Stevens, G.; Bossauer, P. (2018). Akzeptanz autonomer Verkehrsmittel: Eine Analyse relativer Mehrwerte selbstfahrender Autos im Vergleich zu heutigen Verkehrsmitteln. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018; pp. 938–949. Peer Reviewed. Link
- Pakusch C.; Bossauer P. (2017). User Acceptance of Fully Autonomous Public Transport. International Conference on e-Business / International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017). Best Paper Award. Peer Reviewed. Link
- Stevens, G., Bossauer, P., Jakobi, T., & Pakusch, C. (2017). Second Dashboard: Information Demands in a Connected Car. Mensch und Computer 2017. Mensch und Computer 2017-Tagungsband. Peer Reviewed. Link
- Pakusch, C.; Bossauer, P.; Shakoor, M.; Stevens, G. (2016). Using, Sharing, and Owning Smart Cars: A Future Scenario Analysis Taking General Socio-Technical Trends into Account. International Conference on e-Business / International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2016). Peer Reviewed. Link
- Pakusch, C., Boden, A., Stein, M., Stevens, G. (2020). When platform economy hits regulation –
E-hailing apps in the German taxi business. ECSCW 2020 Workshop: Studying Technical Mechanisms for Supporting Sharing Communities. Link - Pakusch, C.; Bossauer, P.; Meurer, J.; Stevens, G. (2020). Walking the Tightrope: Designing Autonomous Vehicles for Comfort and Sustainability Presented at the workshop "Should I Stay or Should I Go? Automated Vehicles in the Age of Climate Change", April 25, 2020, Honolulu, HI, USA. Link
- Stevens, G., Meurer, J., Pakusch, C., & Bossauer, P. (2019). Investigating Car Futures from Different Angles. Mensch und Computer 2019-Workshopband. Link
- Stevens, G., Bossauer, P., Jakobi, T., & Pakusch, C. (2018). Mehrseitiges Vertrauen bei IoT-basierten Reputationssystemen. Mensch und Computer 2018. In R. Dachselt, G. Weber (Hrsg.): Mensch und Computer 2018 – Workshopband, 02.–05. September 2018, Dresden. Link
- Stevens, G.; Meurer, J.; Pakusch, C.; Bossauer, P. (2016). From a Driver-centric towards a Service-centric lens on Self-Driving Cars. CHI 2016 Workshop: HCI and Autonomous Vehicles: Contextual Experience Informs Design. San José, USA. 6 pages Link