Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)
Entrepreneurship Curriculum
„New name: In early summer 2023, a new name for the entrepreneurship curriculum was sought as part of a university-wide call for applications. The previous name Gründungscurriculum will be replaced by the new name Gründungswerkstatt with immediate effect.”

From entrepreneurial skills, leadership and idea development to finance, fundraising, business design and legal to online marketing, marketing The motto for all courses is: first learn, then do. Each course includes theory and methodological know-how and enables students to apply what they have learned directly afterwards in group work. Students benefit not only from the transfer and application of knowledge, but also from the wealth of practical experience of our lecturers.
The facts:
- All courses can be attended regardless of the degree programme or semester.
- The courses of the Entrepreneurship Curriculum can be credited as supplementary subjects in the Department of Management from the summer semester 2022 onwards. Students of other degree programmes receive a certificate of participation. A possible crediting with ECTS points must be clarified independently by the students with the respective examination board.
Due to personnel changes, unfortunately no courses can currently be offered as part of the start-up workshop.
Courses previously offered as part of the Gründungswerkstatt (formerly Gründungscurriculum):
WS 2023/2024
- Gründungsmanagement für Nicht-BWLer - Crashkurs in Sachen Unternehmensgründung (Kerstin Schickendanz)
SS 2023
Social Entrepreneurship: Werte für Gesellschaft und Umwelt schaffen. (Kerstin Schickendanz)
- Entrepreneurial Skills & Mindset (Kerstin Schickendanz)
- Fachenglisch mit der Spezialisierung „Social Innovation“ (Kerstin Schickendanz)
- Social Innovations (Kerstin Schickendanz)
WS 2022/2023
BioTech Start-ups (Prof. Dr. Klaus Deimel und Prof. Dr. Martin Sieber)
- Business Design: Mit Design Thinking & Co. zum Geschäftsmodell (Kerstin Schickendanz)
- Entrepreneurial Finance (Axel Nitsch)
- Entrepreneurial Skills & Mindset (Kerstin Schickendanz) - Wahlpflichtfach im FB05
- Social Innovation (Kerstin Schickendanz) - DISG
- Strategisches Marketing für Soziale Projekte (Kerstin Schickendanz)
SS 2022
- Leadership Skills und Organizational Culture (Verena Wagner - Leiterin Ausgründungen @ DLR e.V., freie Trainerin und Coach)
- Business Design (Eberhard Schächterle (Innovationsberater) & Lucas Koch (Senior Consultant bei Excubate))
- Online-Marketing (David Schnicke (Projektmanager Digital @ Aktion Mensch e.V.))
WS 2021/2022
- Pricing & Sales (Benedict Schweiger)
- Leadership: Was gute Führung ausmacht und wie man zu einem internationalen Leader wird (Lukas Fastenroth)
- Rechtliches Basiswissen für Gründer:innen (Dr. K. Jan Schiffer)

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