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University and District Library

Webex - Basics

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With Webex, the university offers you a reliable conferencing and collaboration tool for teaching. To help you get started quickly, here are all the basic functions you need to get started with Webex right away.

In the following sections, we will introduce you to the basic functions in Webex in short videos. Below you will also find frequently asked questions.

If you need further support or still have open questions, please contact the videoLAB.

Video Tutorials

Webex account, Webex web interface and the Webex app

Wie bekomme ich meinen Webex-Account?

How do I get my Webex account?

Wie melde ich mich in der Web-Oberfläche von Webex an?

How do I log in to the Webex web interface?

Download der App und erster Login

Download of the app and first login

Die App-Oberfläche und ihre Funktionen

The app and its functions

Wichtige Einstellungen in der App

Important settings in the app

Meetings, audio and video calls, telephone and the personal room

Unterschied zwischen den Kommunikationstypen und ihre jeweilige Anwendung

Difference between the communication types and their respective use

Schedule meetings/series

Ein geplantes Meeting als Gastgeber:in starten

Start a planned meeting as host

Meetings/Serien planen in App und Browser

Schedule meetings/series in the app and browser

Meetings mit der Webex-Integration in Outlook planen

Schedule meetings with the Webex integration in Outlook

Vorlagen für Meetings/Serien erstellen und nutzen

Creating and using templates for meetings/series

Meetings für andere ansetzen

Scheduling meetings for others

During the meeting

Einem Meeting über die Webex-App oder einem Browser (auch als Gast) beitreten

Join a meeting via the Webex app or a browser (also as a guest)

Übersicht zur Meeting-Oberfläche

Overview of the meeting interface


List of participants/roles


Audio and video settings


Breakout sessions



Freigaben und Dateien teilen


Meetings sperren/Lobby (Warteraum) aktivieren

Lock meetings/activate lobby


What can I do if I have a bad connection?

In case of a bad transmission of sound and image in a meeting, it is recommended to reduce the resolution of your camera or to switch it off completely. You can find out more about this in our video on Audio and video settings. Here you can find further recommendations by Webex.

For telephony and performance, our colleagues at ITS will be happy to help you: Institute for IT Service (ITS)

What can I do if I can't hear others or others can't hear me?

First, check that your audio devices (microphone/headphones/speakers) are properly connected to your computer/laptop. Then make sure your microphone is not muted. Verify that the correct microphone and speakers/headphones are selected in Webex. Use the test functions in the audio settings of Webex to make sure that the microphone and speakers/headphones are working correctly.

For more on Webex audio settings, see our video on Audio and video settings.

What are the roles in Webex and what are their rights/permissions?

In Webex there are the roles host, co-host, moderator and participant. You can find detailed explanations of the respective rights and permissions of the different roles in our video List of participants and roles and here on the corresponding page of the Webex Help Center.

How do I share files with other participants? Can I upload files to the chat?

It is not possible to upload files directly in the chat. To make files available to participants, display the menu bar at the top of the screen during a meeting and click "File" → "Transfer...". In the following menu you can share files, which can then be downloaded by others. Downloading only works as long as the menu is open. Participants who join a meeting in the browser do not have any access to the files.

You can also find out more about this topic in our video Sharing.

Can I change my display name (during an ongoing meeting)?

During an ongoing meeting, the display name cannot be changed, this is only possible in advance. To do this, click on your profile picture in the Webex app and select "Edit profile". There you can change the name, which must be confirmed by clicking on "Save". Sometimes the change only works after restarting the app or after some time has passed.

What exactly does "lobby" and "lock meeting" mean?

As a host, you can lock a meeting at any time. It is then no longer possible to join the meeting at will. Instead, participants end up as "guests" in the virtual "lobby". As a host, you will be shown which people are waiting there. The option "Lock meeting" activates the virtual waiting room (="Lobby"). Locking a meeting is already possible when planning in advance.

You can also find out more about this topic in our video Lock meetings/Activate lobby.

Can I use two cameras simultaneously?

In addition to your main camera, you can integrate another camera via sharing. To do this, click on "Share" → "Camera". There you will find all the cameras that are available.

Can I sign up twice in a meeting?

This is possible in two ways. The first option is to dial in with your account on a second device using the Webex app. If you are the host of the meeting, you will automatically become a co-host on the second device.

However, if you would like to test what your meeting looks like from the participant's perspective, the second option is recommended. To do this, dial into your meeting a second time via a browser. This is also possible on a single device.

Open the meeting link in the browser. You may have to cancel the automatic opening of the Webex app and then wait briefly until the option "Join via your browser" appears. It may also be necessary to deactivate the automatic opening of the app in the browser settings. You can join via the browser as a (test) participant with any name and therefore without a role ((co-)host/moderator).

You can find out more about this topic in our video Joining a meeting via the Webex app or a browser (also as a guest).

Why can't I select a virtual background for my camera?

In order to be able to select a virtual background, the hardware of the device you are using Webex with must meet certain requirements. Please check the following link to see if you meet these requirements: Requirements


Team videoLAB


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