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International Office

Scholarships for Stays Abroad

Staying abroad is always associated with certain costs, about which you should inform yourself before your departure - these costs can involve tuition fees, insurances, flights or general living expenses. Here you can find an overview of different funding possiblilities for your studies or your internship abroad.

Forms and further information are available for download under "Documents" at the end of the page.


The DAAD programme PROMOS allows Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg to offer students scholarships mainly for the duration of up to one semester abroad. This funding and an additional contribution to your travel expenses is available for a study period or an internship abroad, provided they are recognized within your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. Writing your final thesis abroad is also covered by this programme. Please submit your application for the PROMOS scholarship to the International Office.


Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg can allocate funding of the European mobility programme Erasmus+ to successful applicants to one of our European partner universities. In some cases this is also available for students writing their final Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis at partner universities. Please refer to our list of partner universities to check which Erasmus+ agreements are in place for which study programme and partner university. The duration and amount of funding is specified and determined by country-specific bands. 

Academic Departments

The academic departments may have further funding opportunities available for students. Please check the respective departmental website or ask for information from your department.

Auslands-BAföG (student financial aid) or Bildungskredit (state funded loan)
Studies or an internship abroad can be funded via Auslands-BAföG or a state funded federal loan Bildungskredit. Students who are not in receipt of financial aid for their studies in Germany, can apply for Auslands-BAföG. Due to the higher costs associated with a stay abroad, this state funding may be granted to some students. Tuition fees (up to a certain amount) and a contribution to your travel expenses may also be covered.

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers several scholarship programmes depending on your destination. The DAAD website also has a database of additional scholarships and external funding opportunities. Please note that application deadlines may be more than a year in advance of your stay (the application deadline for the “DAAD-Jahresstipendium” in the US is in July of the preceding year for example)

HAW. International DAAD

Under this program students in Bachelor and Master programs at German HAW/FH’s receive scholarships for a stay abroad in the context of their studies, final thesis or internship. It is a full scholarship (monthly scholarship installment, travel allowance, insurance benefits) and the duration of funding varies according to the type of stay: Study stays min. 3 to max. 6 months; thesis stays min. 1 to max. 6 months, internships min. 2 to max. 6 months.

All information on application requirements, application deadlines and scholarship benefits can be found on the DAAD website.

Fulbright Scholarship
The Fulbright Commission awards travel grants for study periods in the US once a year. This funding is available to German students planning their studies in the US via a German-American University cooperation. In addition, there is an annual scholarship to apply for and partially finance study periods at Graduate Schools in the US. Please submit your application via the International Office.


The International Office sends further information on each funding opportunity by email to all students in due course.


Please note that you must check in each individual case whether you fulfil the requirements for the respective funding. In some cases, there are restrictions regarding nationality, residence status and place of residence. Application deadlines of one year or longer before the stay abroad must be expected.

Sie haben noch Fragen?

Sally Brammer

Sally Brammer

Coordinator Student Mobility (non EU countries)


Sankt Augustin


E 058


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9818
astrid.schlinkert-profil.jpg (DE)

Astrid Schlinkert

Internships abroad


Sankt Augustin


E 061


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Foto A.B.

Angelique Born

Erasmus+ Coordination


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

Contact hours

Monday - Thursday


+49 2241 865 628
