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University and District Library

How to set up remote using Windows 10

Hand Laptop vorlesung pruefung 20220504 foto eric lichtenscheidt 65 fs22.jpg
The sequence of images explains step-by-step how to configure Windows 10 for remote access to the library's licenced digital services.

1st step

Please copy the following address for the automatic configuration script to the clipboard:
Setup Library remote access Windows settings

2. step

Open the Windows Settings / Network and Internet

Setup Library remote access Windows settings proxy

3. step

Switch the "Automatic proxy setup" on and paste the script address copied in the first step as the script address. Save your changes.

fernzugriff_win10_login.jpg (DE)


You can now also use the library's database and full-text services outside the university network.

If you call up one of these services, you will be asked to log in for remote access. Please log in with your library login 

If an error message or a blank page appears, please refresh your browser page.

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