University and District Library
Remote Access FAQs
Which identifying information do I need for remote access?
Please use your library number and the MIA password for remote access.
I am already registered in the library, but I am not a member of Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. Why can I not use the remote access?
Because of licensing restrictions, remote access is only available for university members, as long as they are registered as library users. You can use the electronic services at the PC-workstations in the library in Rheinbach and Sankt Augustin.
After login, a message indicating “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage” appears. What can I do?
Please refresh the page and the appropriate page will be displayed.
Some time ago, I signed up for remote access via proxy. Now it does not work. What can I do?
It is possible that the settings for the remote access will be ignored after some time. Please reset all the settings for the remote access in your browser, restart the browser and resubmit the settings.