University and District Library
Library team
The library has grown a lot in the last few years. There are new areas, such as research services, e-learning and video production. But classic areas such as "use" or "acquisition" have also changed and characterize the modern learning and media location of the library. It would be impossible to imagine all of this without digitalization and IT.
The library's extensive range of services is supported by a creative team that comes from a variety of disciplines and professions and has set itself the task of creating the library of tomorrow.
Librrary team in alphabetical order

Christian Klingenberg
System Administrator
Sankt Augustin
Room: A 149
Telephone: +49 2241 865 222

Susanne Patt-Bohlscheid
Information Services, Marketing, Library Events
Sankt Augustin
Room: A105.11
Telephone: +49 2241 865 687