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Autonomous Systems (MSc)

Autonomous Systems Group at HBRS

Autonomy, adaptability and network integration are characteristic features of complex IT systems. Conventional control systems and architectures are no longer adequate to realize the potential of these technologies completely, nor are they sufficient to master the complexity of such systems. The solution is to design selected components as 'autonomous systems' which can act mainly on themselves without external control most of the time. In this context, autonomous mobile and biomimetic robots form the forefront of development.

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The b-it-bots team has participated in the RoboCup@Home league since 2007 and in the RoboCup@Work league since 2012. The team consists mostly of Master students from our Autonomous systems Program plus some bachelor students, research associates and two of our professors as tutors.

 Most of the students are working on research projects which are an integral part of the Master Autonomous Systems program. Each student works on one specific scientific topic in robotics, such as navigation, visual servoing, face recognition and speech recognition, to name a few. The test bed for the @Home league is Jenny, a domestic service robot. For the @Work league the robot platform is a KUKA youBot industrial robot. All research activities are integrated into one coherent system which is also one major focus within our research group.

Previous Members of the MAS Group
  • Prof. Dr. Ronny Hartanto
  • Dipl.-Inform. Timo Henne
  • Dipl.-Inform. Walter Nowak
  • Thomas Breuer, MSc. in AS
  • Jan Paulus, MSc. in AS
  • Michael Reckhaus, MSc. in AS
  • Dr. Azamat Shakhimardanov
  • Frederik Hegger, MSc. in AS
  • Dr. Björn Kahl
  • Matthias Füller, MSc. in AS
  • Rhama Dwiputra, MSc. in AS
  • Dr. Anastassia Küstenmacher
  • Maximilian Schöbel, MSc. in AS
  • Prof. Dr. Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar
  • Patrick Nagel, MSc. in AS
  • Lakshadeep Naik, MSc. in AS
  • Roberto Cai Wu, MSc. in AS
  • Patrick Nagel, MSc. in AS
  • Lakshadeep Naik, MSc. in AS
  • Roberto Cai Wu, MSc. in AS