International Office

President’s Office decides on strategic partnerships with GJU and UCC


Friday 19 July 2024

The President’s Office of Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) approved two strategic partner universities with the German Jordanian University (GJU) in Jordan and the University of Cape Coast (UCC) in Ghana. This decision is a key milestone of the "Take-Off4Internationalisation (TOFI)" project, which is coordinated by the H-BRS International Office. Within the project the IO has analysed and evaluated the strategic potential of selected partner universities. H-BRS aims to enhance its international profile through deepening cooperation with strategic partners.

The DAAD-funded TOFI project was launched to promote the internationalisation of H-BRS. Over a period of two years, four out of six selected partner universities were visited in order to deepen and expand the existing cooperation. A concept for strategic partnerships was developed in close collaboration with Prof. Dr Jürgen Bode, Vice President for Internationalisation and Diversity. A comprehensive catalogue of criteria was used to evaluate the potential of each partner for a strategic partnership, GJU and UCC were identified as particularly promising.

Strategic partnerships are university-wide collaborations that are supported by the management of the respective institutions. They cover a wide range of cooperation areas such as student and lecturer exchanges, the joint development of study programmes and research projects and the organisation of international conferences and workshops. These initiatives aim to increase the academic quality and global reach of H-BRS and to promote intercultural dialogue and understanding between the countries involved. The selection of these strategic partners is an important part of the internationalisation strategy of the University Development Plan HEP3. It offers all members of the university - students, lecturers, researchers, and staff - unique opportunities and strengthens H-BRS's global networks.

The respective strategic partnerships between H-BRS and GJU and UCC will be further developed and formally signed at a final conference in November 13-15. High-ranking representatives from the partner universities are expected to attend the conference at the Catholic-Social Institute (KSI) in Siegburg as well as on campus in Sankt Augustin.


Foto Janina-Domenica Wörmann

Janina-Domenica Wörmann



Sankt Augustin


E 056


Grantham-Alle 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


Paulina Hinz

Coordinator Partnerships & Cooperation


Sankt Augustin


E 056


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 739