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Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)

Design Thinking Workshop: From Problem to Prototype

Banner Design Thinking Workshop


Tuesday, 04 June 2024


15:30 - 17:30

Online event


Register now.

Transform Concepts into Solutions: Master Every Step of Design Thinking!

Curious about turning concepts into real-world solutions? Join our Design Thinking workshop and understand how to develop an idea and use it to solve a specific problem. The workshop is not only a great learning opportunity, as Design Thinking can be applied to a number of use cases, but it’s also an awesome preparation for anyone considering submitting their ideas to innovation or idea challenges such as the H-BRS Start-up-Cup or the "Solve for Tomorrow" challenge by SAMSUNG and ekipa.

Banner Design Thinking Workshop

The Method: Understanding Design Thinking

Ever wondered how great products are born? It starts with design thinking—a systematic approach to unleashing creativity, deeply understanding users, and iterating solutions rapidly. At its core, design thinking involves five phases: empathize with your users; define the problems; ideate with no limits; prototype possible solutions; and test to learn and improve. Perfect for idea development, this methodology is designed to navigate the complexities of any challenge creatively.

The Challenge: Solve for Tomorrow – AI for Society

Doing something with your fresh idea sounds good? We think so too! That’s why we encourage you to submit your idea to the “Solve for tomorrow” challenge hosted by SAMSUNG and ekipa:

Imagine using AI technology to create sustainable solutions that leave a lasting impact on society. "Solve for Tomorrow" invites you to do just that—merge entrepreneurship with digitalization and create disruptive business models in areas like social inclusion, health, education, and more. In this year’s challenge, SAMSUNG is focusing on AI to address real societal challenges, e.g. how can AI be used to stay healthy or improve the health industry or where AI opens up opportunities for smart communities, where citizens are better connected, and resources are provided more efficiently. Join SAMSUNG and ekipa in embracing the transformative power of AI!

While participation in the challenge is optional, this is a great opportunity to showcase your innovation on a global stage with Samsung as your partner. You can use the methods you learn in the workshop to create a fantastic idea that could win you up to 10.000 € and a collaboration with Samsung. All you have to do is submit your idea online by June 16.

More info on the challenge will follow.

Pokale Start-up Cup 2024

The Opportunity: Start-up-Cup 2024

Ready for another opportunity where your idea can shine? In our annual university-wide ideas competition Start-up-Cup we are looking for innovative and new ideas from creative minds. The design thinking skills you gain from our workshop will be crucial as you develop and refine your start-up concept. The application phase starts on June 10th! Don't miss the chance to enter your idea in another competition and win up to 2.500€.

The Conclusion: Register now!

Eager to start? Registering is easy—just click here and secure your spot today. Spaces are limited—so act fast!

Register for the session on May 29th (5.30pm-7.30pm)

Register for the session on June 4th (5.30pm-7.30pm)

Förderlogos SUPRA-Projekt
The Start-up-Manufaktur is an initiative of CENTIM and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as part of the EXIST programme (Logos:
Key Visual Start-up-Manufaktur - H-BRS Gründungszentrum Neu

H-BRS Entrepreneurship Centre

centim start-up live 20220511 foto eric lichtenscheidt 03 fs22.jpg

Events on the topic of entrepreneurship

CENTIM Start-up Manufaktur Beratung 20220519 foto eric lichtenscheidt 05 fs22.jpg

Start-up Support


Personenbild Karoline Noth_2025

Karoline Noth

Research assistant, H-BRS Entrepreneurship Centre, Project Coordination Start-up Programme Rheinbach Sankt Augustin (SUPRA)




H 306


Von-Liebig-Straße 20

53359, Rheinbach


+49 2241 865 9850


Sankt Augustin


F 413


Grantham-Allee 20

Sankt Augustin
