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[Archive] Online election: University elections in May 2024

Maskierte Waehlende sitzend colourbox 58754641


Monday, 13 May 2024

to Friday, 17 May 2024


Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

In the election in May 2024, the student members of the departmental councils, the senate and the equal opportunities commission as well as the representation of the interests of student assistants will be elected. As in 2023, the elections will be held online.
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H-BRS fulfils its tasks in research, teaching and studies independently within the framework of academic self-administration. The student members of the university participate in the self-administration by electing their representatives to the committees (departmental councils, senate, equal opportunities commission) as well as certain officials.

The votes will be counted and the election results determined in public on 17 May 2024 from 15:15 in room E 221 in Sankt Augustin.

Right to vote

The right to vote can only be exercised by those who are registered in the electoral roll on election day. A copy of the register will be on public display in the library in Sankt Augustin and Rheinbach and at the reception in Hennef from 13 February 2024 at the latest. Objections to the accuracy of the list may be submitted to the electoral board in writing or for recording within two weeks of the start of the display - i.e. by 27 February 2024 - stating reasons. The right to vote can only be exercised once for each election and only in person.

Who is elected?

  • the student members of the departmental councils, the senate and the equal opportunities commission, and
  • the representative of the interests of student assistants

Who votes?

Eligible to vote are
  • the student members of a department for the election of their members of the respective departmental council,
  • the student members of the university for the election of their members of the senate
  • the student members of the university for the election of the representative of the interests of student assistants,
  • the female student members of the university for the election of the female members of the equal opportunities commission,
  • the male student members of the university for the election of the male members of the equal opportunities commission.

When and where will the election take place?

The elections are held online. They will be conducted in accordance with Sections 25 et seq. of the election regulations. Electronic voting will take place in the period from 13 May 2024 to 17 May 2024.

Electronic balloting will take place in five steps:
  1. You log in to the MIA portal with your login name and password
  2. If you are an eligible voter and have not requested an absentee ballot, you will see the
    "Online- Wahl" tile in MIA. To be redirected to online voting, you must click this tile.

  3. You receive the corresponding ballot papers; you cast your vote with a click of the mouse.
  4. You check and confirm the vote.
  5. The vote is counted.

What are the tasks of the committees and functionaries?

Departmental council

The departmental council decides on the affairs of the department, unless the dean is responsible. This includes, in particular, the departmental regulations and other regulations required for the department (such as the examination regulations). The departmental council also elects the dean's office.


The senate is primarily responsible for general, abstract regulations (such as university regulations), recommendations and statements that affect the entire university or central university facilities.

Equal opportunity commission

The equal opportunities commission advises and supports the university and the equal opportunities commissioner. It monitors the preparation of and compliance with plans for the advancement of women and elects the equal opportunities commissioner.

Representation of the interests of student assistants

The representative of the interests of student assistants monitors compliance with the applicable law in the selection and employment of student assistants and works towards the appropriate organisation of their working conditions. He or she deals with complaints from those affected.

Objections, applications and other declarations

can be handed in:

• with each member of the election committee or
• by e-mail to the mailbox of the election committee or
• at the head of elections or at the reception of the individual locations.

You can find more detailed information on the election at the bottom of the page in the "Related documents" section.

Contact persons

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Juri Küstenmacher

Web Editor, CMS Admin


Sankt Augustin


E 241


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Contact hours

Montag bis Freitag: 10 bis 15:30 Uhr


+49 2241 865 9712
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Angela Fischer



Sankt Augustin


E 224


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin