Power electronics as a key technology for a reliable, stable and sustainable energy supply is researched and developed in the Power Electronics and Power Systems-Laboratory (PEPS-Lab) focusing on the following topics:

Research for the next generation power electronics:
- Designing systems based on wide band gap devices- SiC and GaN
- Renewable energy integration (Projects: LEITNING and GaN-HighPower)
- Rectifiers with system services for MW electrolysers (Project: HyLeiT)
- Power converters for the interfacing electrochemical energy sources - such as fuel cells, electrolysers, and batteries - to DC grids (Project: MarrakEsH)
- Bidirectional charging technologies for electric vehicles (Project: CombiPower)
- Improving the reliability of power semiconductor-based systems (Projects: WireLife, PV4Life)

Power grids:
- Modeling of electrical energy supply systems on real-time computers (Projects: F-HiL Reloaded, GRID-Cloud)
- Use of power hardware-in-the-loop systems - e.g. for mapping real grid connection conditions using real-time-capable power interfaces (Projects: F-HiL Reloaded, PV4Life)
- Creating digital twins of distribution grid structures with cloud data logging and cloud computing (Project: GRID Cloud)
- Development of innovative inspection and test scenarios for off-grid systems/converters (Project: F-HiL Reloaded)
- Development of new communication protocols for test scenarios in P-HiL systems (Project: SIRFN JRA: Open SVP)
- Grid-forming converter control (Project: LEITNING)

Test benches and special test setups for characterizing new types of power electronics components and related components:
- Power loss characterization:
- Calorimeter test stand for measuring the power loss of magnetic components (Project: HyLeit)
- Double-pulse test bench for measuring the switching losses of semiconductor switches (discrete/module design) (Projects: HyLeit, GaN-HighPower)
- Characterization of service life/ageing:
- Load cycle test bench for semiconductor power modules (WireLife, PV4Life)
- Capacitor test bench (Project: PV4Life)
- Specialised test setups:
- Test stand for proton exchange membrane (PEM) cells for research into ageing due to energization (Project: HyLeiT)