Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems (A2S)

1st and 2nd place at AFCEA Study Award 2023

AFCEA Studienpreis 2023

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Two students from the Autonomous Systems Master's programme in the Department of Computer Science at the H-BRS won first and second place in the study award of the User Forum for Telecommunications, Computers, Electronics and Automation (AFCEA) this year.

At the AFCEA Bonn e.V., study prizes have been awarded annually since 2008 to young scientists for scientific qualification. Awards are given for outstanding theses in the fields of:

  • Applied Computer Science, AI, Big Data, Automatic Speech Processing,
  • communications engineering, radar technology and 
  • automation technology, robotics.
AFCEA Studienpreis 2023
Ahmed Faisal Abdelrahman - the winner of the competition

Ahmed Faisal Abdelrahman was the winner of the entire competition with his master's thesis: A Neuromorphic Approach to Obstacle Avoidance in Robot Manipulation. He received prize money of 6,000 euros for his Master's thesis, which was supervised by Prof. Dr. Paul Plöger (H-BRS), Prof. Dr. Maren Bennewitz (Uni Bonn), and Prof. Dr. Matias Valdenegro-Toro (University of Groningen).

Neuromorphic computing (NC) attempts to mimic the properties of the brain through hardware, specifically by using analogue VLSI circuits.  In his master's thesis, Abdelrahman tries to explore the advantages and limitations of an NC-based solution using a very common robotics problem (i.e. obstacle avoidance of a manipulator using an on-board camera).


AFCEA Studienpreisverleihung 2023
f.l.: Prof. Dr. Paul Plöger mit den Preisträgern Ahmed Faisal Abdelrahman und Sushant Vijay Chavan

Sushant Vijay Chavan won second place. His Master's thesis on the topic: Coins Map - Composable ontology based indoor semantic map, was awarded a prize of 2,000 euros. Not only his supervisors Prof. Dr. Erwin Prassler and Prof. Dr. Nico Hochgeschwender are proud of this achievement, but also the Department of Computer Science congratulates both winners on their outstanding success.

The AFCEA Bonn e.V. Study Prize, endowed with a total of 20,000 euros, was awarded for the fourteenth time on 14 September 2023. A total of 19 theses were awarded by the respective universities, 18 of which were Master's theses and 1 Bachelor's thesis. The non-profit association AFCEA Bonn e.V. is a user forum for telecommunications, computers, electronics and automation. It sees itself as a specialist organisation for information and communication technology (ICT) and has set itself the goal of facilitating a diverse communicative exchange between users and providers of ICT technology.


Professor im Ruhestand / retired professor Dr. Paul G. Plöger

Autonomous Systems

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Professor im Ruhestand / retired professor Erwin Prassler

Autonomous Systems , (retired on 28.02.2025)

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Nico Hochgeschwender

ZEV Collegium, Formerly Research Professor for Robotics, Autonomous Systems and their Safety at the Department of Computer Science