Department of Computer Science
Best Paper Award for Professor Irene Rothe and Andrè Kless at the International IEEE EDUCOM 2023

The IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) has been held annually since 2010 and offers scientists, engineers and students the opportunity to present their work, publish the results, exchange ideas and network for future scientific and industrial collaborations. This year, EDUCON, which rotates between central locations in IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa), was organised by the American University of Kuwait (AUK).

The journey to Kuwait to the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) was worthwhile. The research team from the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein Sieg, University of Applied Sciences,(H-BRS) received the Best Paper Award for their paper entitled Digital Makerspace - a Tool with Multipurpose Use and Potential for Teaching and Others in the category Infrastructure for Engineering Education. Kless was able to accept the award personally on behalf of his team.
The Digital Makerspace (DMS) is a multi-purpose software tool for creating web applications and software-based Open Education Resources. It has been developed at the university over the last 8 years and is now ready for use. The tool is useful for creating and designing almost any conceivable material and tool for online use by web users, for example for providing digital learning materials and digital interactive exercises. The use of the tool is free for everyone and should be self-explanatory.
„I am pleased that the potential of the DMS is now also being noticed and appreciated outside the university. That gives me the strength to continue working on it. Dr Manfred Kaul, who retired this year and coined the term digital makerspace in the fellowship he won at the time, is also very pleased that the DMS seems to be increasingly better understood and that people are becoming more receptive to the ideas behind it. My thanks also go to Professor Dr Irene Rothe, who supported me very well in the project and gave me the motivation to develop the DMS further.”
André Kless - Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Fachbereich Informatik

The overarching cooperation within the departments made the result possible. We congratulate you on your success!

André Kless
M.Sc., Scientific Assistant, Developer of the ccmjs Technology (ccm = Client-side Component Model), Developer of the Digital Makerspace (DMS), DMS Support for Teachers
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