Institute of Visual Computing (IVC)
News und Termine des IVC
Mon, 09. December 2024
AI meets physics: Interdisciplinary Lamarr & B3D Meet-Up at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
On 5 and 6 December 2024, researchers from the fields of machine learning, artificial intelligence, physics and astronomy (including particle physics, astroparticle physics and radio astronomy) gathered at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg for an interdisciplinary exchange.
Wed, 06. November 2024
Halloween special: IVC students provide a spooky gaming evening
On 31 October, the Game Studio of the Department of Information Technology and Institute of Visual Computing (IVC) at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences was transformed into a ghoulishly fun gaming oasis. People gambled, ate pizza and celebrated the Halloween spirit - inspired by the popular "Zock´n Friday". An evening full of fun and goosebumps that calls for repetition!
Mon, 21. October 2024
Neue Bluedot FM Podcast-Folge: Prof. André Hinkenjann über die Zukunft der Computerspiele
In der 13. Ausgabe von Bluedot FM berichten die Reporter von der Gamescom über die Welt der Computerspiele und die zunehmende Bedeutung der Branche. Im Gespräch mit Prof. André Hinkenjann diskutieren die Moderator*innen über die Entwicklung der Games, den Master-Studiengang Visual Computing & Games Technology sowie die gesellschaftlichen Einflüsse, die Computerspiele heute haben.
Mon, 16. September 2024
GameJam 2024: Elastic heroes and creative masterpieces
The second GameJam recently took place at the Institute of Visual Computing (IVC) at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, organised by Jannik Brockerhoff. Over the course of three days, participants took on the challenge of developing games on the theme of "Rubber". The event, which ran from 15 to 18 August, attracted both individuals and teams who wanted to put their creative skills to the test.
Thu, 05. September 2024
Jährliches IVC-Strategiemeeting: Weichenstellung für die Zukunft
Am 2. und 3. September 2024 fand bereits zum achten Mal das Strategiemeeting des Instituts für Visual Computing (IVC) der H-BRS statt. 23 Mitarbeiter des Instituts nutzten die Gelegenheit, um gemeinsam auf das vergangene Jahr zurückzublicken, aktuelle Herausforderungen zu analysieren und neue strategische Ziele zu formulieren.
Infowochen zur Wahl der Spezialisierung
Bachelor-Studierende, die zur Wahl ihrer Spezialisierung noch Entscheidungshilfen benötigen, erhalten in der Wochen vom 13.01.2025 bis 24.01.2025 detaillierte Informationen.
Kick-off-meeting of FrOSCon 20
The FrOSCon organisation team invites all interested students and staff to participate in the planning and organisation of the 20th FrOSCon (Free and Open Software Conference), which will take place on 16.08.-17.08.2025 at H-BRS. We are happy about every helping hand! Come and join us!
Fachbereichsratssitzung im FB Informatik Januar 2025
Der Fachbereichsrat lädt zu seiner Sitzung ein.
Kinderuni: Plastik – wie kommt das eigentlich ins Meer und was kann man dagegen tun?
Kinderuni im Rhein-Sieg-Kreis 2025: "Plastik - wie kommt das eigentlich ins Meer und was kann man dagegen tun?" Interaktive Vorlesung inklusive Mitmach-Experimenten bei Prof. Dr. Johannes Steinhaus.
Kinderuni: Medien richtig nutzen! Aber wie?
Kinderuni im Rhein-Sieg-Kreis 2025: 'Medien richtig nutzen! Aber wie?' Freut euch auf eine spannende Vorlesung zum Thema Mediennutzung bei Prof. Dr. Derya Gür-Şeker.
Read moreNews aus dem FB Informatik
Fri, 20. December 2024
2024 at the Department of Computer Science
The year 2024 is drawing to a close - time for a brief review of what has been: new research projects, events on campus and externally, new strategic partnerships at home and abroad, prizes and awards and, last but not least, additions to and departures from the faculty.
Fri, 16. December 2022
Opening hours over the public holidays
The university closes between Christmas and New Year. The doors will open again from 02 January 2025. However, lectures will not start until one week later, starting on 06.01.2025. The Department of Computer Science wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Mon, 16. December 2024
Studierende zu Besuch in der T-Gallery der Deutschen Telekom
Am 12. November 2024 trafen sich Studierende der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der Deutschen Telekom Healthcare Solutions zu einer spannenden und informativen Veranstaltung in der T-Gallery in Bonn. Die Exkursion bot exklusive Einblicke in die Digitalisierung der Gesundheitsbranche und ermöglichte einen intensiven Austausch zwischen Nachwuchstalenten und erfahrenen Fachkräften.
Wed, 11. December 2024
High level of satisfaction among computer science master's students
According to the latest CHE ranking, computer science master's students at H-BRS are very satisfied with their degree programme. In all categories surveyed, the university scored at least 4.1 out of a possible 5 points, placing it in the top group. In particular, students gave excellent ratings in the areas of study organisation, supervisor, practical orientation and the transition from Bachelor to Master.
Tue, 26. November 2024
Digilience conference in Sofia with Professor Petra Haferkorn
From November 13–15, the Digilience Conference took place for the fifth time in Sofia, Bulgaria. For the first time, Petra Haferkorn (H-BRS), a professor of IT security management and a member of our Institute für Cyber Security & Privacy, participated and, together with her Ukrainian colleague Mariia Dorosh, professor of IT and software engineering department of Chernihiv National University of Technologies, presented new organizational approaches to shaping the information security of companies and public authorities.
André Hinkenjann
Founding director of the Institute of Visual Computing, Research Professor Computer Graphics and Interactive Environments
Research fields
Sankt Augustin
C 167
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 229Ernst Kruijff
Professor for Human Computer Interaction, Co-Director Institute of Visual Computing (IVC)
Sankt Augustin
C 273
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 9616Anlaufstellen
Contact Institute of Visual Computing (IVC)
Sankt Augustin