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Vice President International Affairs and Diversity (VP3)

Respekt! Academy

The Respekt! Academy is part of the Respekt! initiative and offers year-round programmes on the topics of diversity and sustainability. The programme is constantly updated - so check back regularly!

Respekt! Academy Logo Webpage

April 2024 – Januar 2025: Ringvorlesung „Gemeinsam nachhaltig“

Die Nachhaltigkeitsallianz für angewandte Wissenschaften (NAW.NRW) organisiert seit 2023 mit zehn Hochschulen gemeinsam die Ringvorlesung GEMEINSAM NACHHALTIG, in welcher ganz unterschiedliche Disziplinen Beiträge zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit vorstellen. Am zweiten Mittwoch jedes Monats von 17:15 – 18:30 Uhr findet eine Vorlesung in dieser Reihe statt.

11. Dezember 2024: Charlotte Haunhorst „Nische Wirtschaftsjournalismus? Warum klare Zielgruppen die Zukunft sind“

Die H-BRS hat Medienprofis zu einer öffentlichen Ringvorlesung „Die Medienmacher:innen“ eingeladen, die ihre jeweiligen Arbeitsfelder vorstellen, aber auch die Herausforderungen und Veränderungen schildern, die sich durch die Digitalisierung in ihrem Berufsfeld ergeben.

Charlotte Haunhorst ist Head of Digital beim Handelsblatt. Als Mitglied der Chefredaktion ist sie unter anderem auch für das Audience Development verantwortlich. Neben Einblicken in ihren Arbeitsalltag spricht sie in Ihrem Vortrag über die Nische Wirtschaftsjournalismus und warum klare Zielgruppen die Zukunft sind.

11. Dezember 2024: Charlotte Haunhorst „Nische Wirtschaftsjournalismus? Warum klare Zielgruppen die Zukunft sind“

Die H-BRS hat Medienprofis zu einer öffentlichen Ringvorlesung „Die Medienmacher:innen“ eingeladen, die ihre jeweiligen Arbeitsfelder vorstellen, aber auch die Herausforderungen und Veränderungen schildern, die sich durch die Digitalisierung in ihrem Berufsfeld ergeben.

Charlotte Haunhorst ist Head of Digital beim Handelsblatt. Als Mitglied der Chefredaktion ist sie unter anderem auch für das Audience Development verantwortlich. Neben Einblicken in ihren Arbeitsalltag spricht sie in Ihrem Vortrag über die Nische Wirtschaftsjournalismus und warum klare Zielgruppen die Zukunft sind.

11. Dezember 2024: Charlotte Haunhorst „Nische Wirtschaftsjournalismus? Warum klare Zielgruppen die Zukunft sind“

Die H-BRS hat Medienprofis zu einer öffentlichen Ringvorlesung „Die Medienmacher:innen“ eingeladen, die ihre jeweiligen Arbeitsfelder vorstellen, aber auch die Herausforderungen und Veränderungen schildern, die sich durch die Digitalisierung in ihrem Berufsfeld ergeben.

Charlotte Haunhorst ist Head of Digital beim Handelsblatt. Als Mitglied der Chefredaktion ist sie unter anderem auch für das Audience Development verantwortlich. Neben Einblicken in ihren Arbeitsalltag spricht sie in Ihrem Vortrag über die Nische Wirtschaftsjournalismus und warum klare Zielgruppen die Zukunft sind.

Haus Respekt! Akademie

Past events 2024:

28. August 2024: Workshop Ethik und Verantwortung in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft

Der Workshop Ethik und Verantwortung in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft ist eine der beiden Pflichtveranstaltungen für alle Promotionsprogramme im Promotionskolleg NRW. Er richtet sich sowohl an alle Promovierenden der H-BRS, egal ob kooperativ oder nach neuem Promotionsrecht, als auch an promovierende PK-Mitglieder anderer Hochschulen.

13. September 2024: Zu Gast auf dem Sofa in Rheinbach: Petra Reski

Petra Reski stellt ihr neues Sachbuch "All'Italiana! Wie ich versuchte, Italienerin zu werden" vor Lakonisch, witzig und politisch treffsicher: ein brillantes Porträt des Sehnsuchtslandes Italien. Eine Lesung im Rahmen der Reihe "Zu Gast auf dem Sofa".

22. - 29. September 2024: Interkulturelle Woche Rhein-Sieg-Kreis

Das Motto der bundesweiten Interkulturellen Woche 2024 lautet „#NeueRäume“.
Im Rahmen der Interkulturellen Woche sind im gesamten Rhein-Sieg-Kreis vom 22. - 29. September zum dritten Mal die Türen für die Nachbarschaft geöffnet und Bürgerinnen und Bürger eingeladen, den Reichtum der Lebensweisen in unserem Kreis kennen zu lernen. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen gemäß dem Motto #NeueRäume in unserem Kreis zu entdecken!

Weitere Informationen folgen.

8. Oktober 2024: Schülerinnen Forschungsjahr- Hackdays

An den dreitägigen Hackdays tüfteln und programmieren Schülerinnen aus verschiedenen Schulen des Rhein-Sieg-Kreises in Teams, um digitale und technische Lösungen zur Verbesserung für den Schulalltag zu finden.

14. Oktober 2024: GET together - Herbstferienkurs 5. bis 6. Klasse

Mit den Ferienkursen "GET together - girls explore technics together" bietet die Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg einen einzigartigen Einblick in Welt der Technik und Informatik speziell für Mädchen.

16. – 17. Oktober 2024: Respekt! Tag der Diversität

Der Respekt! Tag der Diversität ist eine Konferenz rund um die Themen Diversität und Nachhaltigkeit und richtet sich an Studierende und Mitarbeitende der H-BRS sowie externe Interessierte aus der Region.

30. Oktober 2024: International Day

Am 30. Oktober erwartet Sie an der H-BRS eine International Day Veranstaltung, bei der Sie verschiedene Möglichkeiten entdecken können: Studienprogramme im Ausland, Praktika, Austauschmöglichkeiten, kulturelle Erlebnisse und vieles mehr. Knüpfen Sie internationale Kontakte und informieren Sie sich über Ressourcen und Projekte der H-BRS.

25. November 2024: Workshop Resilienz - Stark bleiben in turbulenten Zeiten

Ihr seid manchmal überfordert? Die vielen Aufgaben und Verantwortungen nehmen euch die Leichtigkeit? Keine Sorge, ihr seid nicht allein. Unser Workshop "Resilienz - Wie bleibe ich stark in turbulenten Zeiten?" zeigt euch, wie ihr eure Widerstandskraft stärkt und gelassener mit Stress umgeht.

Past events 2023:

28 March 2023: Guest on the sofa: Irina Kilimnik

Irina Kilimnik will read from her novel "Sommer in Odessa" (in German) on March 28 between 7:30 and 9:00 p.m. at the library in Sankt Augustin. The focus is on a haunting family story in Odessa, Ukraine, in the summer of 2014. The event is coordinated by the library as part of the "Guest on the Sofa" series.

30 March - 6 June 2023: Practical Forum "Sustainable Social Design" at Alanus University

Energy transition, feminist mobility, animal-free nutrition - on the occasion of Alanus University's 50th anniversary, current future topics will be discussed at the Praxisforum "Sustainable Social Design".

17 - 21 April 2023: Sustainable Start-up Days (theme week)

The topic of sustainability is not only highly topical in society and politics. Start-ups have long recognised that they can contribute to making the world more sustainable and fit for the future with innovative strength and new approaches. The Start-up-Manufaktur presents a varied theme week with different events.

27 April 2023: Guest on the sofa: Jan Haft

Jan Haft, the award-winning nature filmmaker, will be reading from his book "Wildnis - unser Traum von unberührter Natur" (in German). During the event, he will be discussing a place of yearning for nature lovers and explaining an important concept of nature conservation. The event is a collaboration between the library of the H-BRS, the Kayser bookstore, and is supported by the General-Anzeiger Bonn.

3. May 2023: #Langsambidde: Event on the topic of burnout from "Gesunde Hochschule"

With a mixture of self-irony and the description of her own course of illness, Len Mette gives an insight into the everyday treatment of a psychosomatic clinic. The aim of this event is to broaden the understanding of burn-out and to fight for more openness and understanding, as well as to show that it is important to talk about such topics.

8 - 12 May 2023: Sustainability Week of the City of Sankt Augustin

During this period, the city of Sankt Augustin organises the "Week of Sustainability" in cooperation with H-BRS. At the events, you will have the opportunity to find out about current topics in climate protection and nature conservation and to exchange ideas with experts. The initiative Respekt! is also participating through its format "Respekt! Diversity Day".

9 May 2023: International Get together

The International Office would like to offer a networking possibility to all students who are interested in intercultural exchange or in spending a semester or internship abroad. For all international and exchange students at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg this evening is a very good opportunity to better get to know your German and international fellow students and to socialize in an informal context.

10 - 11 May 2023: Respekt! Diversity Day

The Respekt! Diversity Day is a conference around the topics of diversity and sustainability and is aimed at students and employees of the H-BRS as well as external interested parties from the region.

12 - 14 May 2023: Green Bonn Hackathon

Expanding public transport, expanding e-mobility, switching to renewable energies - our transformation into a sustainable society encompasses central areas of our lives. But how are we supposed to manage this without enough skilled workers for corresponding climate professions? With this event, Stadtwerke Bonn, DIGITALHUB.DE, H-BRS and the University of Bonn want to bring together the most diverse approaches to solutions from different fields.

15 May 2023: Guest on the Sofa in Rheinbach: Adriana Altaras

About the book: "Better Alone than in Bad Company - My Self-Willed Aunt". In the reading, Adriana Altaras tells the story of her aunt, the beautiful Teta Jele. A woman who survived the Spanish flu, concentration camps, and her North Italian mother-in-law, living to the age of 101. It's a story of a loving yet self-willed relationship, and of learning to accept life as it comes.

24 May 2023: Lecture by Ulrich Grober: Less is more - a reflection on sustainability

On 24 May 2023, the journalist, publicist and author Ulrich Grober will speak on the topic of "Less is more - a reflection on sustainability" as part of the lecture series "Zwischenrufe zur Sozialpolitik". "Less is more" - that sounds paradoxical. What is the "more" in the "less"? What do you gain when you let go? But: what is enough? And where is the justice? Questions upon questions. They lead to the centre of thinking about a sustainable social policy. In his lecture, Ulrich Grober presents theses from his new book "Die Sprache der Zuversicht" for discussion.

6 April - 22 June 2023: Lecture Series Technology and Environmental Ethics - Sustainable Energy Supply

Starting on 6 April, experts from science and industry will report on nine dates about the potential of innovative technologies for achieving climate goals and a resilient energy supply. The patron of the lecture series is Professor Tanja Clees, Director of the Research Institute Technology, Resource Conservation and Energy Efficiency (TREE) at H-BRS.

23. June 2023: Guest on the Sofa: Alois Berger

Alois Berger reads from his book "Föhrenwald, das vergessene Schtetl - Ein verdrängtes Kapitel deutsch-jüdischer Nachkriegsgeschichte". The reading is part of the library's "Guest on the Sofa" series in cooperation with the "Gedenkstätte Landjuden an der Sieg e.V." support association.

27. Juni - 8. Juli 2023: Exhibition "Im Namen des Volkes!? - § 175 StGB in the course of time"

The touring exhibition of the CSD (Centre Gay History) explores new and so far barely researched ways to present the history of §§ 175/175a StGB. It places particular emphasis on the continuity of persecution and suppression of same-sex life over the centuries, especially in the territory of the present-day Federal Republic of Germany. It is exhibited through a cooperation of the library and the initiative Respekt! of H-BRS.

31 July - 4 August 2023: GET together - vacation project for girls at the H-BRS

With the vacation project "GET together - girls explore technics together", the equal opportunities department of H-BRS offers a unique insight into the world of technology and computer science especially for girls.

20 September 2023: Partner for the Climate

Sankt Augustin is one of the 11 municipalities in Germany selected for the "Municipal Climate Partnerships" funding project in 2022. The partner city of the Global South is Jarabacoa (pop. approx. 90,000) in the Dominican Republic. Heiner Stienhans, Managing Director of the Sankt Augustin association ECOSELVA e.V., and Stefanie Otto from the city of Sankt Augustin will not only introduce you to the distant twin city with all its facets. They will also report on the planned cooperation in various projects.

25 September - 1 October 2023: Intercultural Week Sankt Augustin

The motto of the nationwide Intercultural Week 2023 is "#New Spaces".

As part of the Intercultural Week, doors will be opened to the neighbourhood throughout the Rhein-Sieg district from 24.09.2023 to 01.10.2023 and citizens are invited to get to know the wealth of lifestyles in our district. You are cordially invited in accordance with the motto #Discover New Spaces!

Many towns and municipalities of the district, numerous institutions, voluntary initiatives and organisations have prepared a colourful programme with great activities.

10. October - 7. November 2023: "À la française" - Photo exhibition by Erasmus+ students in the library

The International Office at H-BRS shows the exhibition "À la française" in cooperation with the Insitut Français Bonn, Campus France Deutschland and the University and District Library Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.

The exhibition is the result of a photo competition for students who participated in an Erasmus exchange with France. Through the exhibition "À la française", we learn how German Erasmus students perceive French culture - in the broadest sense - and how they reproduce it with the help of photography.

25. October 2023: "Democracy lives from participation"

As part of the event series of the Bonn International Democracy Award with the universities of the region, the H-BRS cordially invites you to the event "Democracy lives from participation" on 25 October 2023 from 6 to 7.30 p.m. at the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. Ulrich Kelber, Federal Data Protection Commissioner, former Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of Justice and Honorary Professor at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, will be part of the panel discussion on the exciting topic "Democracy and digitalisation - What challenges do we face?".

6. November 2023: Film screening + Discussion "One Word"

The Initiative Respekt! of the H-BRS and the city of Sankt Augustin invite you to a screening of the documentary film "One Word". The screening will take place on Monday, 6 November at 6:30 pm in Lecture Hall 8 on the Campus Sankt Augustin. The documentary screening is part of the Bonn Filmfair. Admission is free.

28 November 2023: Guest on the Sofa in Rheinbach: Christina Morina

Christina Morina reads from her latest non-fiction book "Tausend Aufbrüche - die Deutschen und ihre Demokratie seit den 1980er Jahren".
The East-West debate between Germans is often characterised by mutual incomprehension and exaggeration. Christina Morina avoids the usual fronts and - using many previously unexplored testimonies such as citizens' letters, petitions and leaflets - focuses on the ideas of democracy and the self-image of ordinary citizens in East and West since the 1980s. The event is organised by the library.

30 November 2023: Research colloquium: "Social sustainability and gender"

What makes technology and technology education in the media interesting for girls and women? And what does this question have to do with sustainability? On the occasion of taking over the "Social Sustainability and Gender" professorship, Susanne Keil will present research findings that have already been made and outline future projects. As part of the "Research Colloquia" series, the Department of IWK and the TREE Institute cordially invite you to attend. It is not necessary to register for the event. Participation is free of charge.

07. Dezember 2023: "Intellectual right-wing extremists: The New Right"

On 7 December 2023, Prof. Dr Armin Pfahl-Traughber will give a lecture on "Intellectual Right-Wing Extremists: The New Right - History of Ideas, Ideological Positions, Political Effects" as part of the lecture series "Interjections on Social Policy".

10 May 2023 - 10 January 2024: Lecture Series "Sustainable Together"

The Sustainability Alliance for Applied Sciences NRW (NAW.NRW) invites you to the lecture series "sustainable together" every second Wednesday of the month during the period.
The urgently needed transformation to a more sustainable way of life can only be achieved as a whole-society effort. The public lecture series will discuss how this change can work in the sense of sustainability on the basis of key topics. In the process, processes of social change will be examined from different perspectives of the natural sciences and the humanities.

20. December 2023: A light for peace

Various religious communities in the city of Sankt Augustin (Catholic and Protestant parishes and the Moroccan Cultural Association), the Freundeskreis Mewasseret Zion e. V. and Mayor Max Leitterstorf would like to join forces to set an example for peace and solidarity. The event is being organised by the city of Sankt Augustin in cooperation with the aforementioned communities.


sarahfriedrichs_profilbild-klein.jpg (DE)

Sarah Friedrichs

Head of Diversity Management, Senior Expert for Diversity and International Affairs to the Vice-President


Sankt Augustin


E 236


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin
