Biometrics Evaluation Centre (BEZ)
Would you like to learn more about our work at the BEZ or are you interested in participating as a test person? Feel free to come by!
Biometrie-Evaluations-Zentrum (BEZ)
Grantham-Allee 20, Building part H, 1st floor
53757 Sankt Augustin
Phone number: +49 2241 865 9887
Opening and testing hours:
Tuesday: 12:30pm - 3pm
Wednesday: 12:30pm - 3pm
Thursday: 12:30pm - 3pm
Project management
Prof. Dr Robert Lange
Engineering, esp. electrical engineering and electronic circuit technology, Research professorship, Director of Institute for Safety and Security Research (ISF), Professor Member of Graduate School for Applied Research in North Rhine-Westphalia (PK NRW)
Sankt Augustin
Room: G 033
Telephone: +49 2241 865 352