Biometrics Evaluation Centre (BEZ)

Research and projects at the BEZ

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Applied research at the Biometrics Evaluation Centre (BEZ) - The BEZ combines research, development and application of biometric technologies. Long-term evaluations of biometric systems also enable the state of the art to be reviewed and optimised. The results are channelled into training courses and workshops for authorities, police forces, manufacturers and end users.



Biometric long-term test series

Synthetische Charaktere_Biometrie-Evaluations-Zentrum (BEZ)

Innovative approaches in biometrics: generating synthetic data

BEZ-BIOLAB-Fälschungserkennung mit 3D-Kamera

Development of new biometric security technologies


Development of micro-optics with a high-end TPP 3D printer

Related projects

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3D fingers - Reliable 3D fingerprint capture using an OCT scanner

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Counterfeit detection for facial biometrics with active NIR camera system