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Equal Opportunity

Apply and vocation

Themenbild Neuberufene
An HAW is full of advantages. Whether in a (management) position in administration or in the context of an HAW professorship: the linking of theory and practice runs like a thread through our university and mission to teach and research in an application-oriented manner. Especially for people with non-linear career paths, e.g. interrupted by parental leave, working at our university offers many advantages. We cordially invite you to visit the pages of the Equal Opportunity Office to learn more about opportunities and the requirements for becoming a professor.
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Appeal requirements

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Green light for female professors

Why become a professor at a university of applied sciences?

How do female professors see their work at a university of applied sciences? What is important to them and why did they choose this profession? The film informs you about the professional perspective "female professor". We are happy to make the film available for publication.

We maintain collegial contact across departmental boundaries. Our female professors are networked with each other and are happy to provide interested parties with information on the job description, as well as experiences from appointment procedures, in advance of an application. Professor Dr. Anna-Lena Menn is a 2022/2023 Fellow of the ZIA Fellowship Program of ZEIT-Verlag, which our university supports as an institutional partner. The goal of the program is to support the visibility of women in science.

As a professor at a university of applied sciences, you will experience many advantages: You can work in a self-determined manner, set your own accents in teaching or research, link practice from your professional life with theory, inspire young people with your topics, engage in meaningful work, and contribute to socio-ecological transformation or a safer world. Retirement security plays a role in the decision to apply to us, as does a good work-life balance. We would like to see a more balanced gender ratio at our university and would like to see more applications from women in science. In the appointment process, we are sensitive to the issues of biological/academic age and non-linear career paths. We would be very pleased to hear from you before you apply.

But how do women professors already working here view their work at a university of applied sciences? What is important to them....

Warum Professorin an einer Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften werden? (2016)

Women's quotas at H-BRS 2023:

The university is legally obliged to ensure equal opportunities when appointing professors. In accordance with Section 37a HG NRW, the Executive Board set the following gender equality quota in April 2024 until SoSe 2027:
Department of Economics: 36.8% (currently 29.3%)
Department of Computer Science: 25.8% (currently 19.4%)
Department of Engineering and Communication: 36.4% (currently 30.3%)
Department of Applied Natural Sciences: 43.6% (currently 33.3%)
Department of Social Policy/Social Security Systems: 50.0% (currently 44.4%)

The legal goal is to achieve parity (50.0%) in all departments.


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Barbara Hillen-Haas

Central Equal Opportunity Officer, Scientific staff member


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin
