Graduate Institute
Our PhD Students
Total number of ongoing PhD projects at the H-BRS (31.12.2024):
of which 42 male, 39 female
The figures refer exclusively to validated doctoral projects with both a working title and a supervisor at H-BRS plus secondary supervisor(s) . The H-BRS thus applies comparatively high standards in counting the number of doctoral projects.
Number of ongoing doctoral supervisions in the individual departments:
20 in the department of Management Sciences
8 in the department of Computer Sciences
23 in the department of Engineering and Communication
25 in the department of Natural Sciences
5 in the department of Socal Policy and Social Security Studies
In 2024, a total of six doctorates were successfully completed, one in the department of Management Sciences, two in the department of Engineering and Communication and three in the department of Natural Sciences.
The podcast series "Abenteuer Promotion" has been produced by the Graduate Institute on the occasion of its tenth anniversary. The interviewees are all at different stages on the way to their goal: the doctorate.
They talk about expectations and difficulties or about the importance of networks and the trigger to start the adventure. They give tips about what they each consider important: For all those who are still in the planning stages of a doctorate, or who have also already embarked on the journey and are facing their first challenges.
RISE stands for Research Internships in Science and Engineering. The H-BRS has been successfully recruiting scholarships from the DAAD's RISE Germany programme since 2011. RISE Germany arranges research internships for North American, British and Irish Bachelor students at universities and non-university research institutions in Germany. The programme is funded by the Federal Foreign Office and through cooperations.
What are our doctoral researchers actually working on?
Since 2019, large-format banners initially on our bicycle racks and on our homepage with catchy slogans have provided more visibility for our doctoral projects. In 2021, smaller versions were added on the pedestrian bridge to huma. In 2022, we digitised our banners and they regularly run across the large LED display at the main entrance in Sankt Augustin.
Our PhD Representatives