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Graduate Institute

Representatives of PhD students

The Graduate Institute attaches great importance to an intensive cooperation with the PhD students of the university. Therfore, the general assembly of PhD students annually elects their representatives, one representative from campus Rheinbach and one from campus Sankt Augustin. The speakers form a link between the Board of Directors of the Graduate Institute and the PhD students of the university.

Doctoral students are represented by:
N.N. (Campus Rheinbach)

M. Sc. Patycja Muc (Campus Sankt Augustin)


Representatives of doctoral students in the Institute Council:
Campus Rheinbach:
Matthias Muhr

If Matthias Muhr is prevented from attending, doctoral student Philipp Gillemot represents the doctoral students on the Institute Council.


Campus Sankt Augustin:
Lena Recki

If Lena Recki is prevented from attending, doctoral student Ahmad Drak represents the doctoral students on the Institute Council.