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Department of Management Sciences

Information for Companies and Business Partners

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Welcome to the Department of Management Sciences and Business Administration

This is our target audience entry point for companies and business partners of our university department. Here you will find important information about possible collaboration in studies and teaching, as well as events, conference updates, and contact persons in the Department of Management Sciences and Business Administration.

Collaboration with the Department of Management Sciences

Support for students in the Department of Management Sciences and Business Administration

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Recruit students for a practical term or internships in your company

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Conduct a practical project with our students


Participate as a sponsor in the Germany Scholarship program

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Announce final Bachelor's or Master's thesis topics

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Participate as an exhibitor in the Company Day

Studierender Jobportal Stellenwerk

Find talents through our online job platform "Stellenwerk"

Annual Company Day at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences

You and your company are looking for qualified personnel and young talents for your team? Do you want to connect with our students and graduates and represent yourselves as employers? Then introduce yourself at the largest career fair in the Rhein-Sieg district – the Company Day at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences! Since 2001, the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University has been organizing the career fair for students, graduates, and young professionals at the Sankt Augustin campus. Nowadays, around 150 companies use the opportunity every year to meet young professionals from the region and recruit them for your teams and projects.

Further participation opportunities within and in collaboration with the Department of Management Sciences

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Initiate a research project

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Contact with the Advisory Board of the Department of Management Sciences

The ZWT - Your innovative research and cooperation partner at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University

The Centre for Science and Technology Transfer (ZWT) is the first port of call at the university for companies that already have a specific research idea or require assistance with a challenge they are currently facing. The ZWT team mediates opportunities for collaborative research projects, puts companies in touch with scientists at H-BRS, and provides support all the way through the collaboration process – from initiation and implementation to the utilization of results.

News from the Department of Management Sciences - Stay up to date!

News & Events

Abschluss Studium, Promotion, Coulourbox50058290

Neue Ausschreibungen für Abschlussarbeiten online

Teaser AWAKE Gründerinnenprogramm

Bewerbungsstart für AWAKE II Gründerinnenprogramm

Exkursion Frankfurt Finance Club 202412 Foto FCBRS 10.jpg

Finance Club: Exkursion in die Börsenstadt Frankfurt



Sonja Atai

Dipl.- Betriebswirtin (FH), Sankt Augustin Campus, Counseling on study abroad semester (study programmes at Campus Sankt Augustin), Internship Officer at the department in Sankt Augustin, Selection of candidates for the DAAD Promos scholarship programme


Sankt Augustin


E 122


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 106