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Department of Management Sciences

Programme for Excellence

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Support for particularly talented students in Management Sciences through the Programme for Excellence in the Department of Management Sciences at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.

Programme for Excellence



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Application and admission requirements

Prof. Dr. Schneider und Anne Schaefer (DE)

Programmübersicht für das Programme for Excellence

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Wall Fellows: das renommierte Stipendiatenprogramm unserer Partnerhochschule

„Rheinbach campus tour: A new idea is making the rounds! The initiative is being carried out with our Programme for Excellence and we look forward to seeing you from September 2024. In this way, we would like to revive the connection between students, the university, and the region.”

Prof Dr Christine Buchholz and Dr Christine Kawa - Lecturers at the Department of Management Sciences

Rheinbacher Rundtour
Photo: Alina Gerke

„ opportunity to lay the foundations for a professional career. The "Programme for Excellence" gives you the opportunity to build networks at an early stage and to think and act globally.”

Angela Rybak, business graduate - Graduate of the Business degree programme, Rheinbach campus, programme participant 2006

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Do you still have questions?

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Wilhelm Schneider

Department of Management Sciences (Rheinbach Campus), Professorship of Business Management, esp. External Accounting and Taxes, Chairman of the Examination Board, Rheinbach Campus

Research fields




B 129


von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359 Rheinbach

Contact hours

Nach vorheriger Vereinbarung per Email unter Angabe des gewünschten Gesprächsthemas


+49 2241 865 425
Anne Schäfer

Anne Schaefer

Fachstudienberatung Betriebswirtschaft, Betreuung von Bachelorarbeiten und Praxissemester, Dozentin des Fachs Grundlagen des Rechnungswesen, Koordinatorin für das "Programme for Excellence" und das Deutschlandstipendium, Vertrauensperson des Fachbereichs




von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359, Rheinbach

Contact hours

Montag bis Donnerstag


+49 2241 865 427