Centre for Science and Technology Transfer (ZWT)

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
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Innovative research partner and collaborator

The ZWT is the first port of call at the university for companies who already have a specific research idea or require assistance with a challenge they are currently facing. The ZWT team mediates opportunities for collaborative research projects, puts companies in touch with scientists at H-BRS, and provides support all the way through the collaboration process – from initiation and implementation to the utilisation of results.

Get to know tomorrow’s experts today

Sponsoring a Deutschlandstipendium (Germany Scholarship) or DAAD scholarship gives companies the chance to get acquainted with the best students and doctoral candidates and attract potential new recruits early on.

Companies that would like to introduce themselves to students and graduates as potential employers have the opportunity to present themselves and talk with visitors every year at the Company Day Careers Fair. Companies can also position themselves at various events throughout the year – whether CV checks, workshops or presentations by experts. Moreover, companies can post job vacancies cheaply on Stellenwerk, the H-BRS job portal.

Kooperation mit der H-BRS - Testimonial Jürgen Opdenhoff
Kooperation mit der H-BRS - Testimonial Katharina Seuser
Kooperation mit der H-BRS - Testimonial Michael Engelmann
Kooperation mit der H-BRS - Testimonial Marco Jung
Kooperation mit der H-BRS - Testimonial Sylvia Nolte
Kooperation mit der H-BRS - Testimonial Stefanie Meilinger
Kooperation mit der H-BRS - Testimonial Jürgen Opdenhoff
Kooperation mit der H-BRS - Testimonial Katharina Seuser
Kooperation mit der H-BRS - Testimonial Michael Engelmann
Kooperation mit der H-BRS - Testimonial Marco Jung