KMU Multiview

Research project at a glance
Funding type
01.01.2019 to 31.12.2022
Project manager at H-BRS
Project Description
The shortage of skilled professionals is a growing problem all over the world and has a serious impact on the industry. Thus, companies are willing to train their own professionals for the company-related tasks. They are even willing to provide continuing education for their long-term employees.
Especially in the area of machine engineering, it is a standard procedure to perform the training in form of on-site instructions on the corresponding machinery. Often, experienced instructors perform the training and share their knowledge with the students during a live-demonstration.
The transfer of knowledge can be complicated by the fact that multiple resources in terms of people and hardware have to be brought together: Some devices may only exist in a very limited number and need to be used for daily production, which makes it difficult to schedule a training session; trainees may also be required to travel to the place of operation because the company is located at multiple sites; the experienced professionals who are serving as instructors are often integrated into various critical operations regarding the companies daily business and thus are only available for limited periods of time.
The incentive of the project is to find out how innovative approaches and methods from the fields of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) can be used to enhance training procedures for companies to ease the above mentioned burdens.
A multicamera system consisting of various hardware and software components is being developed, which enables remote training by recording and streaming a live training situation from multiple view points. By integrating modern interaction concepts as well as AR/VR visualisation techniques, we seek to improve the user experience for the remote training.
The project developments are iteratively being examined and evaluated with relevant test scenarios resulting in an ongoing project evaluation.
This project is a part of Campus to World.
Research associates
Cooperation partners
