EnerSHelF_DEF - Energy self-sufficiency for Health Facilities in Ghana
Research project at a glance
Funding type
01.04.2017 to 30.11.2017
Project Description
The main objectives of the definition project "Energy Self-sufficiency for Health Facilities in Ghana" were to form a consortium of academic and corporate partners to prepare a proposal outline for a research and development (R&D) project aimed primarily at simultaneously improving access to health services and energy through the development and provision of context-appropriate and sustainable energy solutions for health facilities in Ghana, and the associated formulation of research questions and technical and institutional approaches to solutions. Both the definition project and the notified R&D project address Client II - Thematic Area 2.6 - Sustainable Energy Systems. Furthermore, it was intended to initiate a cooperation between research and industry partners from Ghana and Germany and to network them with providers of health services, political decision makers and representatives of the authorities in Ghana.
Specific objectives of the definition project were:
(a) to collect and analyze sector- and actor-specific data that are not available as secondary data but are relevant for the content of a planned R&D project (relation to the research questions);
(b) strengthen cooperation structures within the consortium to promote an unhindered implementation of the R&D project and identify additional partners if necessary;
(c) strengthen existing links with policy makers, government representatives, industry partners, and other relevant stakeholders from the health and energy sectors, and establish new contacts to validate the project design and encourage these stakeholders to support the project;
(d) Explore opportunities for national or complementary support for research and business partners in Ghana.
The objectives of the definition project were achieved with the formulation and submission of the draft proposal for the project "Energy Supply for Health Facilities in Ghana" [EnerSHelF]. The insights gained from the stakeholder consultations have been incorporated into the formulation of the planned R&D project activities. The insights gained in the definition project into the local, regional and national conditions in the field of health care and the given energy supply and demand situation at health care facilities form, in addition to the research questions and ideas for solution approaches concretized in cooperation with all partners, the basis for the announced 3-year EnerSHelF research and development project.
Cooperation partners
