NEIS - Sustainable nutrition in everyday study life

Research project at a glance

NEIS is a project of the consumer advice center of North Rhine-Westphalia, which is carried out in cooperation with universities at three locations in NRW. It is funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia.
NEiS Logo HD quer

Project manager at H-BRS

Project Description

Darya Hirsch mit Salat im Garten 2021 foto georg hirsch.jpg (DE)

NEIS is a project of the consumer advice center of North Rhine-Westphalia, which is carried out in cooperation with universities at three locations in NRW. It is funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia.

The aim of the project is to teach students about the connection between their eating habits and sustainability and to support a change to sustainable and low-waste eating and shopping behavior. To this end, impulses are developed in cooperation with the university and the students in their studies and leisure time. At the same time, structures for sustainable consumption are to be promoted in the university environment.

In line with the National Program for Sustainable Consumption and the National Action Plan on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), this strengthens students' ability to shape their own lifestyles and participate in social decision-making and development processes. This contributes to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and promotes the achievement of the sustainability and climate protection goals of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

In order to exploit the potential for change as much as possible, strongly activating and participatory offers as well as information and education formats are developed. The project rests on two pillars (fields of action): The first field helps develop student activities, and the second field of action provides information and education on the topic. (DE)
Photo: / Photographer: Jürgen Brochmann

Field of action 1 on participation, structural development and support of student initiatives for low-waste, sustainable nutrition in the university environment includes measures both for the participation of students in the sense of "service learning", participatory further development of gastronomic offerings on campus in cooperation with student unions and students, and support and accompaniment of student initiatives (establishment of campus gardens, founding of FoodCoops, etc.).

The field of action 2 aims at the development of offers for information and informal education for students in the field of low-waste, sustainable nutrition It includes measures such as competitions (Climate-WG), food workshops and sustainable first semester bags.

In both fields, the university supports success through integration into teaching: for example, the establishment of a campus garden is accompanied and implemented through teaching projects; in addition, the discussion of the connection between nutrition and sustainability is integrated into various courses of study at the H-BRS with a focus on sustainability.

The NEIS project aims to have an impact in the respective region, for example in cooperation with local initiatives such as food councils and solidarity farming, with chambers of agriculture, producers and food retailers. The measures are designed to create lasting structures and to be suitable for later transfer to other university locations in NRW.

Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with its research institutes IZNE, ZIEL and the GreenOffice.


Research associates