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Ukrainian partner university has been hit: H-BRS condemns Russian attack

Thursday 18 April 2024

Several people were killed in a heavy missile attack on the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv yesterday, April 17. The Russian missiles also hit the main building of the Chernihiv Polytechnic National University (CPNU), H-BRS's partner university.

According to eyewitness reports, several university staff and students were injured by the shock wave and flying glass splinters. A total of 17 people were killed in the city and more than 60 were injured, including several children, reported Tagesschau, citing rescue workers and authorities.

Zerstoerung und Aufbauarbeiten an der ukrainischen Partneruniversitaet 2024
Picture from a university lecture hall after the attack. photo: CPNU

Marco Winzker, Vice President Studies, Teaching and Digitalization at H-BRS, is dismayed by the news from Ukraine: "I am appalled and deeply saddened by the Russian missile attack on Chernihiv, which also hit and damaged our partner university. The attack on civilian targets, the dead and injured once again highlight the brutality of Russia's attack on Ukraine in violation of international law. My thoughts and sympathies are with the students and employees of our partner university and with all those affected by the attack," said Winzker.

H-BRS has been supporting its partner university with financial and material donations for reconstruction since spring 2022. This is because Chernihiv was attacked at the beginning of the Russian invasion. Hundreds of civilians lost their lives and many buildings were destroyed, including parts of the university. According to Winzker, H-BRS will continue to support its partner university (all information on the fundraising campaign here).

Just recently, Professor Mariia Dorosh, a researcher at CPNU, spent a month as a guest at H-BRS to work on a study on information security together with computer science professor Petra Haferkorn. The scientist reported on the ongoing state of emergency and the population's search for normality. The most recent Russian attack on the city was just under two years ago.

Update 19. April 2024

The regional television station Suspilne Chernihiv reports on the damage to the university in an article. According to the report, clean-up work is underway in the buildings that were damaged by the missile impact just 150 metres from the university. "According to Leonid Irkha, the deputy rector for economic affairs, 270 broken windows have already been counted in two buildings. Some furniture, doors, equipment and the gymnasium were also damaged," the news channel reports.


Marco Winzker 1 (DE)

Marco Winzker

Vice President Teaching, Learning and Digital Transformation/Teaching area digital technology and fundamentals of electrical engineering


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