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Department of Engineering and Communication

Portraet Oliver Frahnert 2024 Foto privat

Oliver Frahnert

Research associate in the HyLeiT project


Department of Engineering and Communication


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin

Contact hours

Wed,Thu,Fri: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm


+49 2241 865 9785

Curriculum vitae

Oliver Frahnert successfully completed his Bachelor of Engineering in "Sustainable Engineering Science" in 2024. During his studies, he worked as a student assistant for Prof Dr Jung from 2022 to 2024. During this time, he was able to gain valuable practical experience and deepen his knowledge of engineering skills. As part of his bachelor's thesis, he developed a calorimetric measuring system (single chamber system) to measure the power loss of magnetic components. He is currently involved in the HyLeiT project in Prof Dr Jung's PEPS laboratory.

Research Projects


In the HyLeiT joint project, research is being conducted into a new generation of electrolysis converters and electrical system technology for the energy supply of hydrogen electrolysis. The aim is to halve the system costs of electrical engineering from the grid connection point to the DC connection at the electrolyzer, taking into account associated operating costs and effects on H2 generation costs.

Project management at the H-BRS

Prof. Dr Marco Jung