Department of Engineering and Communication

Technology and creativity at the open project day in the IWK department

Tag des offenen Projekts SoSe 2024 IWK

Thursday 18 July 2024

On Friday, July 12, the Department of Engineering and Communication (IWK) at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg once again opened its laboratory doors to the interested public. Just in time for the start of the semester break, students presented the practical projects they had developed during the lecture period. There were creative inventions to marvel at, such as a can press and a solar-powered bird fountain.
Tag des offenen Projekts SoSe 2024 IWK
The BRS motorsport team has been building exclusively electrically powered racing cars since 2014. Photo: Jonathan Schmitt

The student motorsport team presented its new G24e e-car directly on Hochschulstraße. The media project “This is what sustainability means to me. A portrait of BRS motorsport team members”, which exhibited its work on display walls around the racing car. Professor Susanne Keil led the project together with Tim Breuer, Master's student in Digital Communication and Media Innovation, who explained: “The aim was for the students of technical journalism and visual technical communication to use their skills to show the people behind the technology. In particular, their motivation and attitude towards alternative drive systems, as research shows that these in particular are still the subject of controversial debate. Especially when it comes to the representation of gender in the context of technology.” In their project, which is also a prime example of interdisciplinary collaboration in the IWK department, they want to show that things can be done differently.

Tag des offenen Projekts SoSe 2024 Smart Factory
Pupils observe the production process of the previously configured car. Photo: Gesche Neusel

Pupils were given an insight into automation technology in the Smart Factory, the TREE Institute's Industry 4.0 model factory. There, they were able to see the entire production process in a live demonstration, from a customer order in the web store to individual production and delivery - and were also allowed to try out the production line for themselves. Sandra Himmel, a research assistant, brought her two sons along and was delighted to have the opportunity to try things out: “One of them wants to be an inventor one day, the other would rather be a footballer.” Pupils Ada and Minna, aged 13 and 11, also expressed their enthusiasm: “It was so cute how the little cars were put together. The robots were really impressive and it was great to be able to take part.”

Tag des offenen Projekts SoSe 2024 IWK
Beverage cans are compressed within seconds in the pneumatic can press. Photo: Jonathan Schmitt

One door down, students presented the development of pneumatic test benches for teaching, which can be used for future semesters. Professor Sebastian Drumm gave the students a completely free hand in the development of the test benches: “The biggest challenge was certainly the unexpected problems that arose during development. For example, the CAD software ran incorrectly or the design that had been devised did not work in practice. That's precisely why you build prototypes like this.” In this project, a team of students developed and built a pneumatic can press that compresses beverage cans within seconds. Michel Karthe, a fourth semester mechanical engineering student, was involved in building the press: “That's minus 25 cents deposit, but plus 25 cents fun! We wanted to develop a structure that simulates pneumatic constructions and is fun at the same time. That's when we came up with the idea of the can press.” According to Karthe, a number of problems arose during the complex development process. For example, it was not considered that the can would be so light that it would tip over in the guide. True to the motto “necessity is the mother of invention”, a sawn-off brush head is now to prevent the can from falling over.

All Bachelor's students in the IWK department take a project each semester, which they work on during the project weeks. The engineering and media project work is presented to the public at the end of the last week of lectures. The Open Project Day offers interested pupils in particular the opportunity to get to know H-BRS, make initial contacts and find out about the various study options.


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Juliane Orth

Communication and Marketing at the Department DEC, Research Assistant, Project Technology - Gender - Journalism, PhD student


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