Department of Engineering and Communication

AI in communication: students from the department visit Telekom in Bonn

Telekom Exkursion Gruppenfoto 2024

Monday 17 June 2024

Eleven students from Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg visited Deutsche Telekom in Bonn on Thursday, June 6, as part of the block seminar "AI in Journalism and Corporate Communications". Professor Tanja Köhler initiated the excursion, which gave the students an insight into Deutsche Telekom's areas of responsibility and the use of AI in corporate communications.

At the beginning of the excursion, the students from the Department of Engineering and Communication (DEC) started the working day together with the employees from the internal and external Corporate Communications (COM department) and took part in the morning conference of the editorial team. They experienced first-hand how the employees plan and coordinate their day.

The students then attended a presentation on the T-Car, which uses 2D and 3D images of the environment to support the expansion of the fiber-optic network. They learned how Telekom uses AI to analyze large amounts of data. Afterwards, some students hosted a podcast in the Telekom podcast studio.

Telekom Exkursion Podcast Studio 2024
The students were able to put their voiceover skills to the test in Telekom's in-house podcast studio. Photo: Telekom

In the Telekom company archive, the students were given interesting information about the history of the company and mobile telephony. Telekom then presented the AI-Phone, a smartphone that works without apps and is controlled solely by an AI assistant. The students had a lively discussion with the responsible employees about the advantages and disadvantages of such a smartphone. The excursion concluded with a Q&A session on possible career prospects at Telekom. The students were surprised by the wide range of tasks in the field of communication.

The block seminar, led by Professor Tanja Köhler, comprised two days of workshops at the university and an excursion to Telekom. It pursued several goals: The students of technology journalism and visual technology communication were to learn about the basics of AI technology, develop and expand their skills in using AI tools and learn how to deal critically with AI systems. They also discussed the significance of the technology for their professional future.

The event offered Deutsche Telekom the opportunity to get in touch with potential young talent and recruit them for the company. The direct exchange with the students also enabled the company to better understand current trends and the needs of the young target group. Participation in the event underlines Telekom's commitment to promoting young talent.


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Tanja Köhler

Professor, Digital journalism and audiovisual media, Vice dean of the department


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