International Office

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg strengthens Partnerships on Delegation Trip to Ghana

The journey began with the delegation's arrival in Accra, the capital of Ghana, where they were warmly welcomed by the long-time partner, Prof. Daniel Agyapong, and representatives from the Office for International Relations. The first appointment on the agenda in Accra was a meeting with the local DAAD office, where they had an in-depth discussion about the diverse collaboration opportunities between Ghana and Germany.
From Accra, the delegation proceeded to Cape Coast, home to the partner university, the University of Cape Coast (UCC). Here, a strategic partnership meeting took place, bringing together representatives from various departments of H-BRS for a productive dialogue with their counterparts at UCC to clarify mutual expectations. Subsequently, collaborative projects were discussed, and the delegates had the opportunity to explore the various avenues for cooperation within their respective fields.

The hospitality of the Ghanaian partners was not only evident in their eagerness to collaborate more closely at all levels, but also in the diverse and delightful dinners together. A highlight of the trip was the welcome dinner at the residence of President Prof. Dr. Johnson Nyarko Boampong, as well as the dinner at the seaside with Vice President Rosemond Boohene, who provided a glimpse into her family's home.
During their stay in Cape Coast, the participants also had the opportunity to explore the city and visit the historic Cape Coast Castle, offering insight into Ghana's rich history and the dark era of transatlantic slave trade.
Overall, the delegation trip was a resounding success, elevating existing partnerships to a cross-disciplinary and strategic level. H-BRS looks forward to future collaboration and the upcoming visit of President Prof. Dr. Johnson Nyarko Boampong in November.
„The delegation trip to Ghana allowed me to immerse myself in a different culture, meet local university educators, and learn more about the education system in Ghana. Anyone who has the opportunity to participate in a delegation trip should definitely take advantage of it! It provides new inspiration for teaching and research, helps build an international network, and, not least, enhances interdisciplinary exchange within H-BRS through the shared journey. ”
Prof. Dr. Sonja Christ-Brendemühl - Professor for Economics and Communication

TOFI: Take-Off4Internationalisation
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