International Office
Internships Abroad
An internship abroad offers you many advantages and opportunities - not only for your professional career, but also for your personal development.
With an internship abroad you can...
...gain valuable work experience
...broaden your horizons and get to know new (workplace) cultures
...enhance your CV
...learn new skills and abilities
...put theoretical knowledge into practice an international network
...use foreign languages under real-life working conditions
...gain further opportunities for an (international) career start
Answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding internships abroad:
* Which destination country comes into question?
It might be a good idea to read the written reports, listen to the podcast or watch the videos of former interns. Their experiences can provide some helpful information about the destination country and daily life.
Internships Abroad - Testimonials
Auslandspraktikum - Auslandspraktikum Ratgeber ( (only in German)
Startseite: Auslandsstudium mit Kind ( (only in German)
You should also inform yourself about the entry and residence requirements in the host country. If necessary, you should apply for a visa in time.
* Are your language skills adequate?
Normally, you need a solid knowledge of the local language for an internship. However, in some cases it is also possible to complete the internship in English or even in German.
- H-BRS Language Centre Language Centre | Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS)
For Erasmus applicants
* How long do you plan to stay abroad?
It is advisable to get an overview of the timing and duration of the internship. Keep in mind that an internship in the transition phase between Bachelor and Master might be a good idea. However, in this case you might not be able to apply for the funding opportunities as most of them require you to be enrolled as a student.
* How do you find an internship?
Finding an internship can be a big challenge. At H-BRS we support you with advice on how and where to look.
- There are a number of agencies you can turn to for help. However, you should be aware that most of them charge a fee for their services.
Agencies that arrange internships | Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS)
Non-Commercial Internship Boards:
- List maintained by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (only available in German) showing various internship boards
- Eurodesk which provides tips and contacts
- Web pages of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad
- Career-Contact (only available in German), which has details of jobs and internships all over the world
- Internship opportunities worldwide, including country information and personal reports— (only available in German)
- Job and internship board run by the University of Bonn Career Service
- Drop’pin@EURES
- Auslandskarriere (only available in German)
Internship placement services:
- ZAV (Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung, Germany’s central service for foreign and specialist placements; only available in German)
- GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Germany’s international development agency)
- ASA Program (work and study placements)
- AIESEC — Association internationale des étudiants en sciences économiques et commerciales
- Subject-specifically for Business administration and economics: AIESEC Global Talent — Association internationale des étudiants en sciences économiques et commerciales
- Carlo-Schmid-Programm Carlo Schmid Programme for Internships in International Organisations and EU Institutions.
- RISE weltweit Worldwide research internships for German students from natural sciences, life sciences and engineering.
- IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) IAESTE arranges subject-related internships abroad for students of all technical and scientific disciplines.
Other possibilities:
- You could take a look at the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce. Here you can find companies from Germany or abroad that have a cooperation with Germany.
AHK - For the economy. Worldwide on site.
- You could also find out about current internships.
Internship opportunities | Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS)
- Some of the scholarships on our Funding page also offer internship positions
- You might want to read the written reports, listen to the podcasts or watch the videos of former interns. There you can learn more about the companies where other fellow students did their internships and get a better picture of everyday working life.
Testimonials - Media | Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS)
- You could also search for specific companies that operate in different countries. It is recommended to visit their websites or their LinkedIn profiles where they usually offer their internships.
* Is the internship in your study programme compulsory or voluntary?
An internship is compulsory for some study programmes at the H-BRS. However, all students could complete an internship in Germany or abroad during their studies.
For more information, please ask your department.
* How do you apply for an internship?
There is no standard procedure for applying. It depends on the programme and/or company. It is recommended to find out about the requirements in advance so that you have time to prepare. As a rule, you must submit your CV in English or in the language of the host country.
The Language Centre offers a writing centre consisting of workshops and individual writing advice in each of the languages German and English.
Writing Centre English | Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS)
You could also use some international CV templates.
Do you still have questions?

Sankt Augustin
E 061
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 709