Department of Computer Science Where? / How? / What? The Department of Computer Science answers all questions about studying on this page. Where can I find... my timetable? my group assignment? the canteen? the library? Lecture content? Rooms for learning? the lost property office? my matriculation certificate (confirmation of enrolment at the university)? the student sports programme? Accommodation offers? the language centre? How can I... access the W-LAN? access emails? register at the library? register/deregister for exams? change my group? have exams from previous degree programmes credited? Where can I get... the stamp for the train ticket? access authorisations for online portals and systems? help with exercises? information on exams and studies? technical support (e.g. problems with VPN)? a new student ID card (in case of loss or if the card is broken)? Who do I have to contact when I... am not assigned to a group? forgotten my access data? plan a semester abroad? am looking for advice on computer science, business informatics or cyber security & privacy? have a handicap and need accessibility? want my address changed? Which... Systems are important for me? Wi-Fi should I use?