Department of Computer Science

Prof. Dr Michael Rademacher
Professorship of Computer Science, in particular Embedded Systems and Networks/Research Group Leader Fraunhofer FKIE
Department of Computer Science
Sankt Augustin
F313 (entrance via car park behind the F-building)
Grantham-Allee 2-8
53757 Sankt Augustin
Contact hours
Please enquire about consultation hours via e-mail
+49 2241 865 151Research Projects
The "Digital Twin-4-Multiphysics Lab" (DT4MP) focuses on urban digital twins (UDTs) and multiphysics twins for industry, treating both areas equally and synergistically. By integrating real-time data and advanced simulations, DT4MP enhances urban processes, infrastructures, and industrial production efficiency. Combining AI and machine learning, the lab provides services like data analysis and virtual testing for SMEs and larger companies. Founded by leading institutes, DT4MP drives digitalization research in urban and industrial contexts.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Sebastian Houben Prof. Dr Dirk Reith Dr Alexander HaggInformation and communication technologies (ICT) have become part of our everyday life and it is almost impossible to imagine life without them. Reason for that is the increasing digitalization of our world. Especially in our economic sector ICTs are one of the most driving factors for innovation and therefore strongly responsible forthe competitiveness of many companies. But ICTs not only influence our lives within economy, they also shape our society e.g. in authorities.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Karl JonasPublications
Jörn Bodenhausen, Laurenz Grote, Michael Rademacher, Martin Henze:
Adaptive Optimization of TLS Overhead for Wireless Communication in Critical Infrastructure.
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Mohamad Saalim Wani, Mathias Kretschmer, Bernd Schröder, Andreas Grebe, Michael Rademacher:
Open RAN: A Concise Overview.
PDF Download (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) doi:10.1109/OJCOMS.2024.3430823 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-85216
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Lukas Schauer, Thorsten Horstmann, Steffen Druesedow, Michael Rademacher:
Implementation of OpenAPI Wireshark Dissectors to Validate SBI Messages of 5G Core Networks.
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Felix Klör, Jan Bauer, Sachar Paulus, Michael Rademacher:
Dude, Where’s That Ship? Stealthy Radio Attacks Against AIS Broadcasts.
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Florian Nettersheim, Stephan Arlt, Michael Rademacher:
Utilizing DNS and VirusTotal for Automated Ad-Malware Detection.
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Lukas Schauer, Thorsten Horstmann, Steffen Druesedow, Michael Rademacher:
Implementation of OpenAPI Wireshark Dissectors to Validate SBI Messages of 5G Core Networks.
arXiv doi:10.48550/arXiv.2405.10635
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Florian Nettersheim, Stephan Arlt, Michael Rademacher:
Dismantling Common Internet Services for Ad-Malware Detection.
arXiv doi:10.48550/arXiv.2404.14190
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Lucas Lutze, Christian Sorgatz, Christian Freudenmann, Michael Rademacher:
A Modular Framework for Evaluating Smart Grid Communication Protocols over Mobile Networks.
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Thorsten Horstmann, Michael Rademacher, Marco Roobi, Simon Weckmann:
Evaluation of LoRa in a Real-World Smart City: Selected Insights and Findings.
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Florian Nettersheim, Stephan Arlt, Michael Rademacher, Florian Dehling:
Katti: An Extensive and Scalable Tool for Website Analyses.
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Michael Rademacher, Hendrik Linka, Jannis Konrad, Thorsten Horstmann, Karl Jonas:
Bounds for the Scalability of TLS over LoRaWAN.
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Michael Rademacher, Hendrik Linka, Thorsten Horstmann, Martin Henze:
Path Loss in Urban LoRa Networks: A Large-Scale Measurement Study.
arXiv doi:10.1109/VTC2021-Fall52928.2021.9625531
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Michael Rademacher, Hendrik Linka, Thorsten Horstmann, Martin Henze:
Path Loss in Urban LoRa Networks: A Large-Scale Measurement Study.
arXiv doi:10.48550/arXiv.2109.07768
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Thomas Gerlach, Lukas Schauer, Michael Rademacher, Wolfgang Heiden, Karl Kirschner:
Customized Software Environment for Remote Learning: Providing Students a Specialized Learning Experience.
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Oliver Kattwinkel, Michael Rademacher:
Exchange of Preparatory Information for Secure and Usable Cryptocurrency Transactions.
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Oliver Kattwinkel, Michael Rademacher:
Technical Fundamentals of Blockchain Systems.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.18418/978-3-96043-081-0 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-50059
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Michael Rademacher:
Evaluation and Optimization of IEEE802.11 multi-hop Backhaul Networks with Directional Antennas.
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Tilo Fischer, Hendrik Linka, Michael Rademacher, Karl Jonas, Daniel Loebenberger:
Analyzing power consumption of TLS ciphers on an ESP32.
PDF Download doi:10.18420/cdm-2019-30-04 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-47713
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Michael Rademacher, Mathias Kretschmer, Karl Jonas:
Quantifying Interference in WiLD Networks using Topography Data and Realistic Antenna Patterns.
PDF Download doi:10.1109/WCNC.2019.8885965 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-46572
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Kevin Fröhlich, Michael Rademacher, Karl Jonas:
Sicherheitsanalyse von Bluetooth-Low-Energy-Geräten in der Heimautomatisierung.
PDF Download (accepted Version) URL urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-44988
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Michael Rademacher, Karl Jonas, Mathias Kretschmer:
Quantifying the spectrum occupancy in an outdoor 5 GHz WiFi network with directional antennas.
PDF Download (accepted version) doi:10.1109/WCNC.2018.8377013 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-37086
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Hendrik Linka, Michael Rademacher, Osianoh Glenn Aliu, Karl Jonas:
Path Loss Models for Low-Power Wide-Area Networks: Experimental Results using LoRa.
PDF Download (accepted version) urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-37072
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Karl Jonas, Michael Rademacher:
System zum Ausrichten einer Richtfunkantenne.
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Manuel Hachtkemper, Michael Rademacher, Karl Jonas:
Real-World Performance of current Mesh Protocols in a small-scale Dual-Radio Multi-Link Environment.
PDF Download (submitted version) URL urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-33770
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Michael Rademacher, Karl Jonas, Florian Siebertz, Adam Rzyska, Moritz Schlebusch, Markus Kessel:
Software-Defined Wireless Mesh Networking: Current Status and Challenges.
PDF Download (accepted Version) doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxx066 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-31810
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Michael Rademacher, Karl Jonas:
Interference of Simulated IEEE 802.11 Links with Directional Antennas.
PDF Download (accepted version) doi:10.1109/WD.2017.7918110 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-30449
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Karl Jonas, Bastian Vogl, Michael Rademacher:
Security Mechanisms of wireless Building Automation Systems.
PDF Download doi:10.18418/978-3-96043-044-5 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-29880
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Michael Rademacher, Florian Siebertz, Moritz Schlebusch, Karl Jonas:
Experiments with OpenFlow and IEEE802.11 Point-to-Point Links in a WMN.
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Michael Rademacher, Markus Kessel, Karl Jonas:
Experimental Results For the Propagation of Outdoor IEEE802.11 Links.
PDF Download URL urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-24714
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Michael Rademacher, Martin Chauchet, Karl Jonas:
A Token-Based MAC For Long-Distance IEEE802.11 Point-To-Point Links.
PDF Download URL urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-24708
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Michael Rademacher:
Performance estimation and optimization of the IEEE802.11 MAC layer for long distance point-to-point links.
PDF Download urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-301 doi:10.18418/978-3-96043-020-9
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Michael Rademacher, Karl Jonas, Markus Kessel:
An Empirical Evaluation of the Received Signal Strength Indicator for fixed outdoor 802.11 links.
PDF Download (accepted Version) urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-15105 URL
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Michael Rademacher, Senka Hadzic, Philipp Batroff, Osianoh Glenn Aliu, Mathias Kretschmer:
Towards Centralized Spectrum Allocation Optimization for Multi-Channel Wireless Backhauls.
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Michael Rademacher, Karl Jonas, Mathias Kretschmer:
DCF modeling and optimization of long-distance IEEE802.11n point-to-point links.
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Michael Rademacher, Mathias Kretschmer, Karl Jonas:
Exploiting IEEE802.11n MIMO Technology for Cost-Effective Broadband Back-Hauling.
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Christian Niephaus, Mathias Kretschmer, Karl Jonas, Markus Kessel, Michael Rademacher:
Link Calibration in QoS-Aware Wireless Back-Haul Networks for Rural Areas.
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Mathias Kretschmer, Thorsten Horstmann, Philipp Batroff, Michael Rademacher, Gheorghita Ghinea:
Link calibration and property estimation in self-managed wireless back-haul networks.
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Christian Lüders, Michael Rademacher:
Exemplarische Untersuchungen zum Potenzial von LTE zur Breitbandversorgung ländlicher Regionen.
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